153. Crossostephium Lessing, Linnaea. 6: 220. 1831.
芙蓉菊属 fu rong ju shu
Authors: Zhu Shi, Christopher J. Humphries & Michael G. Gilbert
Subshrubs, pubescent. Leaves alternate, narrowly spatulate or oblanceolate, apically few lobed or entire. Capitula disciform, heterogamous, many, in a frondose raceme or panicle. Involucres hemispheric; phyllaries in 3 rows, outer ones herbaceous, inner ones broadly scarious at margin. Receptacle hemispheric, epaleate. Marginal female florets in 1 row, tubular, 2- or 3-denticulate, gland-dotted outside. Disk florets tubular, 5-lobed, gland-dotted outside. Anther obtuse at base, with apical oblong appendage; style branches linear, apex truncate. Achenes obovoid, weakly 5-ribbed. Pappus coroniform, of small scales.
One species: China, Japan.
Molecular data (Watson et al., BMC Evolutionary Biology; http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/2/17/; accessed 10 Apr 2011) suggests that Crossostephium is embedded within Artemisia.