47. Crupina (Persoon) Candolle, Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 16: 157. 1810.
半毛菊属 ban mao ju shu
Authors: Zhu Shi & Ludwig Martins
Centaurea subg. Crupina Persoon, Syn. Pl. 2: 488. 1807.
Herbs, annual. Stem slender, erect, apically corymbosely to paniculately branched. Leaves unarmed. Basal leaves simple. Stem leaves pinnatisect to pinnate. Capitula heterogamous. Phyllaries imbricate. Florets few; outer florets sterile or functionally male; inner florets 1 to few and bisexual. Achene dark brown, subcylindric to compressed, villous toward apex, apex truncate and with a rim. Pappus elements of two types; outer pappus elements in several rows, bristlelike, scabridulous; inner pappus elements few, in 1 row, scalelike, short.
Two or three species: N Africa, C and SW Asia, Europe; one species in China.
Lower Taxon
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