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27. Woodsiaceae

岩蕨科 yan jue ke

Authors: Zhang Gangmin, Masahiro Kato & Alexandr Shmakov

Plants epilithic, sometimes xerophytic (growing in dry habitats), small or medium-sized. Rhizomes short, erect, decumbent, or ascending, simple dictyostelic, covered with scales. Fronds clustered, monomorphic, deciduous or sometimes evergreen; stipe mostly shorter than lamina, ± scaly and hairy, articulate or not articulate; lamina 1-pinnate to bipinnatifid, elliptic-lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, herbaceous or papery, frequently covered with articulate multicellular hairs, sometimes with glandular hairs or capitate glands. Veins free, pinnate, usually ending in enlarged hydathodes. Sori orbicular, consisting of 3-18 sporangia, borne at middle or apex of veinlets; indusia inferior, saucer-shaped to cup-shaped, margin long ciliate, or indusia absent, degenerated into curly, multicellular hairs (Woodsia), or sphaeropteroid (bladderlike) with openings at tip (Protowoodsia), sometimes also covered with false indusia, i.e., reflexed leaf margins (Cheilanthopsis). Spores ellipsoid or somewhat spherical, monolete, wall surface folded, cristate, tuberculate, or echinate.

About four genera (including the Caucasian Hymenocystis C. A. Meyer) and ca. 43 species: widely distributed in the N temperate and frigid zones, rarely in Central and South America, Africa (Angola, South Africa), and Madagascar; three genera and 24 species (nine endemic) in China.

The current classification of the genera requires evaluation by molecular phylogenetic evidence.

Wu Shiew-hung. 1999. Woodsiaceae. In: Wu Shiew-hung, ed., Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 4(2): 166-191.

1 Stipe obviously articulate; indusia saucer- to cup-shaped, margin long ciliate.   3 Woodsia
+ Stipe continuous; indusia spherical or degenerated into curly, multicellular hairs   (2)
2 (1) Indusia platelike with unequal lobes or dissected with filiform lobes.   3 Woodsia
+ Indusia spherical, tearing when mature   (3)
3 (2) Lamina glabrous or with few glandular trichomes, margin flat, not reflexed; pinnae not articulate to rachis.   1 Protowoodsia
+ Lamina pubescent, margin reflexed to form false indusia (usually fallen later); pinnae articulate to rachis.   2 Cheilanthopsis

Lower Taxa


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  • Woodsiaceae (PDF)
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