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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae

93. Farfugium Lindley, Gard. Chron. 4. 1857.

大吴风草属 da wu feng cao shu

Authors: Shangwu Liu & Irina D. Illarionova

Herbs, perennial, deciduous or sometimes evergreen, with long rhizomes. Stem scapelike, leafless or with few bracteal leaves, base densely long lanate. Leaves all basal in rosette, each leaf involute and appearing fistlike; petiole broadly sheathed at base; leaf blade reniform or orbicular-reniform, abaxially densely hairy, palmately veined. Capitula many in corymb, base with fewer supplementary bracts (calyculus). Involucre campanulate; phyllaries in 2 rows, outer phyllaries narrow, inner phyllaries broad, margin membranous. Receptacle flat, without scales, alveolate, with shallow pits, margin of pit denticulate. Outer florets radiate, female, in 1 row. Central florets tubular, bisexual; limb 5-lobed. Anthers caudate at base, apex appendage oblong, obtuse; filaments glabrous. Style branches shortly hairy, obtuse at apex. Achenes cylindric, hairy between ribs. Pappus of denticulate hairs, white.

Two species: China, Japan; one species in China.

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