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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae

181. Gnaphalium Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 850. 1753.

鼠麴草属 shu qu cao shu

Authors: Yousheng Chen & Randall J. Bayer

Herbs, annual or perennial. Leaves alternate, flat with entire margins, tomentose on both surfaces. Capitula solitary or only a few together. Phyllaries papery, brownish; stereome undivided. Receptacle flat, epaleate. Outer florets purple, filiform. Central florets bisexual, purple. Anthers with flat appendages. Style branches truncate, with hairs apically. Achenes oblong, with short clavate twin hairs. Pappus bristles capillary, scabrid, free.

About 80 species: cosmopolitan; six species in China.

1 Capitula in racemes or spikes, rarely solitary   (2)
+ Capitula in dense globose or glomerulate synflorescences, or compound synflorescences   (4)
2 (1) Capitula numerous, in spikes; plants 8-25 cm tall.   1 G. polycaulon
+ Capitula in racemes, panicles, spikes, or solitary; plants usually 2-10 cm tall   (3)
3 (2) Capitula in racemes; outer phyllaries obovate.   2 G. stewartii
+ Capitula in spikes, panicles, or solitary; outer phyllaries ovate to ovate-oblong.   3 G. supinum
4 (1) Capitula pedunculate, in dense globose or glomerulate synflorescences; leaves white lanate on both surfaces; synflorescences with unequal leaves in irregular arrangement; phyllaries pale yellow, green, or yellowish brown.   4 G. uliginosum
+ Capitula sessile, in dense compound synflorescences; leaves adaxially sparsely pubescent, abaxially densely white lanate; compound synflorescences with equal leaves in radiate or stellate arrangement; phyllaries reddish brown   (5)
5 (4) Basal leaves withering before anthesis.   5 G. involucratum
+ Basal leaves persistent at anthesis, rosette.   6 G. japonicum

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