45. Maackia Ruprecht, Bull. Cl. Phys.-Math. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg. 15: 143. 1856.
马鞍树属 ma an shu shu
Authors: Bojian Bao & Michael A. Vincent
Trees or shrubs; buds axillary, exposed, bud scales imbricate. Leaves imparipinnately compound, alternate, estipulate, petiolate, deciduous; leaflets opposite or nearly opposite, entire, estipellate; petiolule short. Racemes simple or branched at base, terminal. Flowers many, dense; bracteoles caducous. Calyx inflated, campanulate or cylindric, 5-toothed. Corolla white to greenish white; standard obovate, long elliptic-obovate, or obovate-cuneate, reflexed; wings oblique-oblong, hastate at base; keels slightly incurved, partially fused ventrally. Stamens 10; filaments slightly fused at base; anthers versatile, elliptic. Ovary subsessile, densely hairy, few ovuled; style slightly incurved; stigmas small, terminal. Legume flat, long elliptic to linear or ovate, straight or curved, narrowly winged along ventral suture or not. Seeds 1-5, long elliptic, flat.
Twelve species: E Asia; seven species (six endemic) in China.
1 |
Leaflets 3-5(-7); legume slightly curved to falcate; fruit neck slender, 5-15 mm; flowers ca. 20 mm. |
1 M. tenuifolia |
+ |
Leaflets (7-)9-15; legume not falcate; fruit neck absent; flowers less than 12 mm |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Legume winged along ventral suture; wing 2-6 mm wide |
(3) |
+ |
Legume ± wingless along ventral suture, rarely winged to 1 mm |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Leaflets lanceolate-elliptic or long ovate-elliptic, acuminate at apex; flowers 7-8 mm; legume wing 1-4 mm wide. |
6 M. taiwanensis |
+ |
Leaflets ovate or ovate-elliptic, obtuse at apex; flowers ca. 10 mm; legume wing 2-6 mm wide. |
7 M. hupehensis |
4 (2) |
Leaves sparsely pubescent abaxially |
(5) |
+ |
Leaves glabrous abaxially, rarely hairy at base of main vein |
(6) |
5 (4) |
Flowers ca. 10 mm; small trees; leaflets acute at apex. |
4 M. hwashanensis |
+ |
Flowers ca. 6 mm; shrubs; leaflets acuminate at apex. |
5 M. chekiangensis |
6 (4) |
Legume 3-7 cm, length usually 3-6 × width; flowers ca. 10 mm. |
2 M. amurensis |
+ |
Legume less than 3.5 cm, length less than 3 × width; flowers 6-7 mm. |
3 M. australis |
Lower Taxa
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