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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Marsileaceae

1. Marsilea Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 1099. 1753.

蘋属 ping shu

Lemma Adanson; Spheroidia Dulac; Zaluzianskia Necker.

Fronds in deeper water with stipes lax and slender and pinnae floating upon water surface; fronds in shallow water or on land with erect stipes and pinnae oriented in various positions by action of basal pulvini; pinnae 4, obtriangular to fan-shaped, clustered at tip of stipe. Veins of pinnae forking dichotomously, anastomosing to form elongate areoles. Sporocarps 1 to many per frond, quadrate to elliptic in lateral view, leathery to woody when mature. Sori oblong, with few megasporangia and numerous microsporangia in each sorus. Megaspore ovoid-globose with a terminal papilla; spore wall thin, indistinctly reticulate. Microspores globose; spore wall thin, indistinctly sculptured. x = 20.

About 52 species: worldwide, with centers of diversity in tropical Africa and Australia; three species in China.

Dimensions of vegetative parts of all species can vary greatly in size depending upon water levels and season of the year; frond dimensions in the descriptions are from emergent or land fronds, not floating ones.

1 Sporocarp quadrate in lateral view, concave on lateral sides.   3 M. aegyptiaca
+ Sporocarp elliptic in lateral view, convex on lateral sides   (2)
2 (1) Sporocarps (1 or)2-5(-7) per fertile frond, attached to stipe up to 25 mm above stipe base; common peduncle joining 2 or more peduncles to stipe 2-8 mm.   1 M. quadrifolia
+ Sporocarps 1 or 2(-4) per fertile frond, attached to stipe up to 5 mm above stipe base; common peduncle joining 2 peduncles to stipe, if present then only 1 mm.   2 M. minuta

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