1 |
Leaves large, orbicular or orbicular-cordate, palmately divided, petioles basally amplexicaul, shortly vaginate (1. P. sect. Taimingasa). |
1 P. firmus |
+ |
Leaves large or medium-sized, not orbicular or orbicular-cordate, simple or divided, petioles basally not vaginate |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Radical leaves persistent, stem leaves 1, rarely 2, or bracteal-leaflike; capitula 3 or 4, or more; involucres campanulate or narrowly campanulate, phyllaries 8-10; florets 10-28 (2. P. sect. Parasenecio) |
(3) |
+ |
Radical leaves withered by anthesis, or if persistent then florets 5; stem leaves few to numerous; capitula few to numerous, paniculate or racemose-paniculate; involucres cylindric or narrowly campanulate; phyllaries 3-10, rarely more; florets (2 or)3-5(-8) or more |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Plants densely glandular pubescent; radical leaves broadly cordate, obtuse, or suborbicular; stem leaves 1, rarely 2, sessile or subsessile; capitula pendulous; phyllaries 8 or 9; florets 10-16, corolla white or pink-white. |
2 P. forrestii |
+ |
Plants densely brown pubescent; radical leaves ovate or ovate-orbicular, stem leaves few, bracteal-leaflike, shortly petiolate; capitula erect; phyllaries 9 or 10; florets 28, corolla yellow. |
3 P. begoniifolius |
4 (2) |
Involucres cylindric, 2-5 mm; phyllaries 4-6; florets 2-6; leaves ovate or broadly ovate-cordate, irregularly coarsely toothed or shallowly 3-10-lobed; petioles not winged, basally not expanded (3. P. sect. Koyamacalia). |
4 P. chola |
+ |
Involucres cylindric or campanulate, more than 4 mm; phyllaries 3-8, rarely more; florets 3-15, rarely more; leaves polymorphic, irregularly coarsely toothed, shallowly lobed to divided; petioles winged or not, basally auriculate or not auriculate |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Stem leaves numerous; leaf blade palmately divided; phyllaries 3-5, rarely 7 or 8; florets 3-5, rarely 10-14 (5. P. sect. Delphiniifolii) |
(6) |
+ |
Stem leaves few to numerous, triangular, triangular-ovate, reniform, polyangular, or ovate-cordate, coarsely toothed or shallowly lobed, adaxially glabrous, pubescent, or densely tomentose |
(11) |
6 (5) |
Leaf blade palmately 5-7-lobed, lobes obovate, oblong, or ovate-oblong |
(7) |
+ |
Leaf blade palmately deeply 5-7-sect, lobes lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate to linear, rarely obovate or spatulate |
(8) |
7 (6) |
Leaf blade basally hastate, lobes broad, apically caudate or long acuminate; peduncles ca. 1 mm, glandular puberulent; phyllaries and florets 5. |
47 P. delphiniifolius |
+ |
Leaf blade basally subcordate, lobes narrow, apically acute; capitula sessile, brown puberulent; phyllaries and florets 3. |
48 P. pilgerianus |
8 (6) |
Leaf blade broadly ovate, palmately deeply sect, lobes obovate or spatulate, lateral lobes 2-fid to deeply sect, both surfaces glabrous; phyllaries and florets 3; pappus white. |
52 P. tripteris |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate-oblong, pentagonal-cordate, or orbicular-ovate, lobes lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate to linear |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Leaves pinnate-palmately divided, lobes pinnately lobulate or 2-4-denticulate; phyllaries 4; (plants of Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan). |
51 P. palmatisectus |
+ |
Leaves palmately lobed, lateral lobes often 1-lobulate or finely toothed; phyllaries 5, 7, or 8; (plants of Henan, Hubei, Shaanxi) |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Leaf blade 10-20 × 12-24 cm, 5-7-lobed; phyllaries 7 or 8; florets 10-14; achenes 5-6 mm; pappus red-brown. |
49 P. sinicus |
+ |
Leaf blade 16-27 × 15-35 cm, (5 or)6-9-lobed; phyllaries 5; florets 5; achenes ca. 3 mm; pappus white. |
50 P. dissectus |
11 (5) |
Leaves adaxially glabrous or pubescent; capitula few to numerous, pedunculate or not; pappus white or red-brown (3. P. sect. Koyamacalia) |
(12) |
+ |
Leaves adaxially arachnoid, densely lanate, or hairy initially, gradually glabrescent (4. P. sect. Monanthi) |
(29) |
12 (11) |
Capitula few, or solitary at apex and axillary in upper leaves, pendulous; involucres campanulate, 5-10 mm in diam.; phyllaries 8-10; florets numerous, ca. 38; leaves triangular; petioles not winged. |
5 P. deltophyllus |
+ |
Capitula numerous or more in terminal racemes or panicles; involucres cylindric or narrowly campanulate, (1-)3-5 mm in diam.; phyllaries 3-8; florets few; leaves not triangular; petioles winged or not |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Capitula numerous, small; involucres cylindric, 1-2 mm in diam.; phyllaries and florets 3-5; leaf blade polyangular or reniform, 5-7-lobed or coarsely toothed; corolla white or yellow |
(14) |
+ |
Capitula more numerous, larger; involucres 3-5 or 10-20 mm in diam.; pappus white, sordid white, or red-brown |
(16) |
14 (13) |
Capitula sessile; involucres ca. 5 × 1 mm; phyllaries and florets 3 or 5; corolla white; pappus sordid white or pale yellow-brown. |
18 P. ambiguus |
+ |
Capitula pedunculate; involucres 6-8 × 1.5-2 mm; phyllaries and florets 5; corolla white or yellow; pappus white or yellow-brown |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Capitula racemose or compound racemose; peduncles short or very short; involucres cylindric; phyllaries obtuse or rounded; pappus white. |
19 P. ainsliaeiflorus |
+ |
Capitula laxly racemose or compound racemose; peduncles 1-2 mm; involucres narrowly campanulate; phyllaries acute; corolla yellow; pappus pale yellow-brown. |
20 P. kangxianensis |
16 (13) |
Involucres campanulate, 10-15 × 10-20 mm; phyllaries 7-12; florets 8-38; pappus red-brown |
(17) |
+ |
Involucres 5-8(-10) mm; phyllaries and florets 4-8, rarely more; pappus white or sordid white |
(18) |
17 (16) |
Leaves broadly triangular, 3-5-lobed, lobes triangular, basal lobes sometimes rudimentary; capitula smaller; involucres narrowly campanulate, 10-12 × 5-10 mm; phyllaries 7 or 8; florets 8-10. |
21 P. rubescens |
+ |
Leaves pentagonal-hastate, lateral lobes small, narrowly triangular or obscure; capitula large; involucres campanulate, 13-15 × 17-20 mm; phyllaries 12; florets numerous (ca. 38). |
22 P. matsudae |
18 (16) |
Petioles not winged, basally not expanded into auricles |
(19) |
+ |
Petioles winged |
(22) |
19 (18) |
Leaf axils with buds |
(20) |
+ |
Leaf axils without buds |
(21) |
20 (19) |
Leaf blade hastate-triangular, apex acuminate or long acuminate, base cordate, both surfaces scaly puberulent; phyllaries 7 or 8; florets 10-13; pappus white. |
14 P. nokoensis |
+ |
Leaf blade broadly triangular-hastate or ovate-triangular, apex long acuminate or caudate, base hastate or broadly cordate, adaxially densely glandular pubescent; phyllaries and florets 5; pappus brown or purple-brown. |
15 P. hastiformis |
21 (19) |
Leaf blade triangular-hastate, apex acute or acuminate, base broadly cordate, both surfaces glabrous or subglabrous; phyllaries 5; florets 5 or 6. |
16 P. albus |
+ |
Leaf blade pentagonal-reniform, apex acute or rounded-obtuse, base deeply cordate, abaxially hispidulous, adaxially on veins puberulent; phyllaries 8(or 9); florets 16-19. |
17 P. vespertilio |
22 (18) |
Petioles narrowly or indistinctly winged, basally not expanded into auricles |
(23) |
+ |
Petioles broadly winged, base often expanded and auriculate |
(24) |
23 (22) |
Capitula pendulous, arranged in pyramidal panicles; phyllaries 7 or 8, glandular pubescent; florets 8-15(-20); blade triangular-hastate, adaxially densely or laxly pubescent; petioles narrowly winged. |
6 P. hastatus |
+ |
Capitula erect, arranged in broadly pyramidal panicles with long divaricate branches; phyllaries 5 or 6; florets 5-8; blade triangular-lanceolate, apex acuminate or caudate, adaxially laxly pilose on veins or subglabrous; petioles indistinctly winged. |
7 P. lancifolius |
24 (22) |
Plants to 2-3 m tall, stems robust; leaves broadly triangular or triangular-hastate, petioles with 1.5-2 cm wide wings, base expanded and amplexicaul-auriculate; capitula numerous, 250-350, in broad pyramidal panicles; phyllaries 4 or 5; florets 5-7. |
8 P. komarovianus |
+ |
Plants 30-100 cm tall; stems slender; leaves reniform or triangular-reniform, petioles large or small auriculate; capitula more numerous, racemose or paniculate; phyllaries 4 or 5; florets 4-7 |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Leaf blade oblate-reniform, thinly papery, retuse or subtruncate, triangular-rostrate at center, margin irregularly coarsely toothed stipitate glandular hairy; petioles basally entire or dentate auriculate; phyllaries 4; florets 5. |
9 P. maowenensis |
+ |
Leaf blade not oblate-reniform, papery, apically constricted long apiculate, with regular teeth or with concave teeth at subbasal margins glandular puberulent; phyllaries 5; florets 4-7(or 8) |
(26) |
26 (25) |
Leaves reniform or triangular-reniform, both surfaces glabrous |
(27) |
+ |
Leaves triangular-hastate or ovate to broadly ovate, adaxially hairy |
(28) |
27 (26) |
Phyllaries 4-8 mm, 1/3-1/2 as long as corolla and pappus by anthesis; capitula racemose, rarely paniculate; petioles basally expanded and small auriculate. |
10 P. auriculatus |
+ |
Phyllaries 8-12 mm, subequal to or rather shorter than corolla by anthesis; capitula laxly or densely paniculate; petioles basally with 1.5-2 cm wide auricle. |
11 P. praetermissus |
28 (26) |
Median stem leaves triangular-hastate, lateral lobes triangular, irregularly repand-dentate, adaxially puberulent on veins; petioles toward base gradually expanded into ovate-orbicular or orbicular, 1.5-2.5 cm wide auricle; auricles entire or remotely toothed; phyllaries 5; florets 5 or 6. |
12 P. gansuensis |
+ |
Stem leaves broadly ovate or broadly cordate, adaxially sparsely arachnoid or subglabrous; petioles with 5-10 mm wide wings, basally expanded into a large amplexicaul auricle; phyllaries (3 or)5; florets 3 or 4(or 5). |
13 P. otopteryx |
29 (11) |
Plants glabrous or sparsely arachnoid in upper part; leaves triangular, ovate-triangular, or hastate-triangular, distinctly prominently 3-veined; anthers basally long caudate |
(30) |
+ |
Plants all or at least upper part arachnoid or villous; leaf blade ovate-triangular, ovate-cordate, or cordate, basally 3-veined or palmately 5-7-veined, abaxially arachnoid, glandular hairy, or ± glabrescent |
(39) |
30 (29) |
Leaves divided |
(31) |
+ |
Leaves not divided |
(34) |
31 (30) |
Leaf blade obovate-spatulate, lyrately pinnate; lobes ovate, oblong, or obovate-triangular, coarsely toothed, adaxially arachnoid-tomentose; petioles broadly winged, basally expanded into auricle; phyllaries and florets 5 or 6. |
32 P. cyclotus |
+ |
Leaf blade 3-5-lobed to medially sect |
(32) |
32 (31) |
Leaves reniform-pentangular or broadly ovate-pentangular; petioles not winged, often with many globose bulblets in upper branches of synflorescence; phyllaries and florets 4 or 5. |
29 P. quinquelobus |
+ |
Leaves reniform-triangular or broadly ovate; petioles winged, but without bulblets |
(33) |
33 (32) |
Leaf blade broadly triangular, 3-lobed, central lobe 3-fid, lateral lobes 2-fid, abaxially white arachnoid-tomentose; petioles narrowly winged, basally without auricle; phyllaries and florets 4 or 5. |
30 P. rockianus |
+ |
Leaf blade reniform-triangular or broadly ovate, medially 3-5-sect, lobes lobulate or coarsely toothed, abaxially white arachnoid-tomentose, adaxially densely brown hispidulous; petioles broadly winged, basally auriculate; phyllaries 5; florets 8(-10). |
31 P. souliei |
34 (30) |
Petioles winged, often expanded into subamplexicaul auricle; capitula pendulous |
(35) |
+ |
Petioles not winged, base not or ± expanded, but without auricles; capitula ascending or pendulous |
(36) |
35 (34) |
Leaf blade ovate-triangular to broadly triangular, stiffly papery; petioles broadly winged, basally expanded into broad or narrow auricle; phyllaries 3; florets 5 or 6. |
23 P. latipes |
+ |
Leaf blade triangular or triangular-hastate, thick, abaxially arachnoid-tomentose; petioles with 4-15 mm in diam. orbicular auricles; phyllaries 6-8; florets 9-12(-14). |
24 P. lidjiangensis |
36 (34) |
Stem leaves numerous, crowded at middle part of stem; leaves ovate or reniform-triangular, margin with cartilaginous coarse teeth; capitula laxly racemose, but not secund; phyllaries 3; florets 2 or 3. |
27 P. tenianus |
+ |
Stem leaves 3 or 4, often crowded at middle to lower part of stem; capitula secund |
(37) |
37 (36) |
Radical leaves withered and fallen by anthesis; leaf blade membranous or submembranous, broadly ovate or ovate-oblate, abaxially densely white tomentose; florets (6-)8 or 9. |
25 P. taliensis |
+ |
Radical leaves persistent at anthesis; leaf blade papery, ovate-triangular, broadly ovate, or rhombic, abaxially not white tomentose; florets 5 |
(38) |
38 (37) |
Stems yellow-brown multicellular pubescent; leaves often crowded in lower middle part of stem, ovate-triangular or broadly ovate, rarely rhombic or cordate, abaxially yellow-brown villous; capitula narrowly paniculate. |
28 P. koualapensis |
+ |
Stems slender, glabrous; leaves crowded near base of stem, ovate-orbicular or cordate, abaxially becoming purple when dry, glabrous; capitula spicate. |
26 P. jiulongensis |
39 (29) |
Leaf blade ovate-triangular, ovate, or cordate, usually basally 3-veined; phyllaries (2 or)3-5; florets 1-5, rarely more |
(40) |
+ |
Leaf blade broadly ovate-cordate or cordate, palmately 5-7-veined, abaxially arachnoid-tomentose or glandular hairy; phyllaries 3-5(or 6); florets (2-)5-8(-10) |
(46) |
40 (39) |
Capitula numerous, spreading or pendulous, racemose or paniculate; phyllaries (2 or)3; florets 1-3, rarely 4 |
(41) |
+ |
Capitula laxly paniculate or narrowly racemose-paniculate; phyllaries 5; florets 5 or 6, rarely 10-13 |
(43) |
41 (40) |
Phyllaries 2; floret 1; leaves 4, lax on stem, subtriangular-reniform, abaxially densely lanate, adaxially crisped-volute hairy; petioles not winged. |
35 P. morrisonensis |
+ |
Phyllaries 2 or 3(or 4); florets 3(or 4); leaf blade ovate-triangular or broadly cordate; petioles winged or not |
(42) |
42 (41) |
Capitula laxly pyramidal-paniculate, pendulous, secund; leaves ovate-triangular, abaxially white or gray-white arachnoid; petioles not winged. |
33 P. roborowskii |
+ |
Capitula narrowly racemose-paniculate, spreading; leaves broadly cordate, abaxially sparsely arachnoid, adaxially sparsely hairy; petioles narrowly winged. |
34 P. xinjiashanensis |
43 (40) |
Stem leaves 4 or 5; petioles winged |
(44) |
+ |
Stem leaves 2-4(or 5); petioles not winged |
(45) |
44 (43) |
Leaves membranous, broadly ovate to ovate-rhombic, acute, angular coarsely toothed; petioles distinctly winged. |
36 P. profundorum |
+ |
Leaves thinly papery, broadly ovate or ovate-triangular, caudate-acuminate, serrulate; petioles indistinctly winged or not winged; uppermost leaves bractlike. |
37 P. phyllolepis |
45 (43) |
Stems slender, glabrous; stem leaves 2 or 3, broadly cordate-orbicular or ovate- cordate-orbicular or ovate-cordate, abaxially violet or purplish, sparsely arachnoid; capitula broadly paniculate; involucres 12-14 × 1.5-2 mm, glabrous; florets 5 or 6. |
38 P. ianthophyllus |
+ |
Stems robust, white arachnoid; stem leaves 4 or 5, ovate-triangular or triangular-hastate, abaxially white arachnoid; capitula narrowly paniculate; involucres 8-10 × 4-5 mm, outside white lanate; florets 10-13. |
39 P. leucocephalus |
46 (39) |
Phyllaries 3 or 4; florets 2-4; plants adpressed gray-white arachnoid-lanate, intermixed glandular puberulent. |
40 P. longispicus |
+ |
Phyllaries 5; florets 5-8(-10); plants arachnoid or red-brown glandular pubescent |
(47) |
47 (46) |
Axillary scale buds ovoid-globose, brown tomentose; capitula racemose, upper part laxly bracteate, often with bulblets; phyllaries 5 or 6; florets 8-10. |
41 P. bulbiferoides |
+ |
Bulblets absent from leaf axils and bracts; capitula spicate-racemose or paniculate |
(48) |
48 (47) |
Stems, petioles, and involucres arachnoid or later ± glabrescent |
(49) |
+ |
Stems, petioles, and involucres red-brown or brown villous or knotted glandular pubescent |
(50) |
49 (48) |
Capitula spicate-racemose; involucres 12-14 mm; florets 5-8; petioles 5-14 cm, not winged, basally not expanded. |
42 P. petasitoides |
+ |
Capitula laxly narrowly paniculate; involucres ca. 10 mm; florets 7 or 8; petioles indistinctly narrowly winged, basally expanded and subamplexicaul. |
43 P. hwangshanicus |
50 (48) |
Lower stems glandular pubescent, upper part white arachnoid or hispidulous; peduncles 3-4 mm; corolla orange. |
46 P. dasythyrsus |
+ |
Stems, petioles, and phyllaries red-brown or brown pubescent; peduncles very short or capitula subsessile; corolla yellow |
(51) |
51 (50) |
Leaf blade broadly ovate-cordate or reniform, triangularly 5-lobed or deeply serrate, red-brown hyaline glandular hairy; petioles 5-10 cm, basally not expanded. |
44 P. rufipilis |
+ |
Leaf blade reniform or ovate, undulate-lobed, lobes broadly triangular, abaxially arachnoid or puberulent, adaxially brown puberulent; petioles 10-15 cm, basally expanded, subamplexicaul. |
45 P. tsinlingensis |