203. Pectis Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10. 2: 1189, 1221, 1376. 1759.
香檬菊属 xiang meng ju shu
Lorentea Lagasca (1816), not Ortega (1797).
Annual or perennial herbs, often strongly scented, sparsely to densely branched. Stems slender, terete to slightly angled, glabrous or hirtellous, or puberulent with retrorsely curved hairs. Leaves opposite, sessile, simple, glandular punctate with glandular oil pits, margin entire or rarely toothed or lobed, ciliate with slender bristles mostly toward base; midvein strong, without prominent secondary veins. Inflorescences terminal on stems or branches, in loose to dense cymose clusters or with solitary capitula; peduncles with or without bracteoles. Capitula heterogamous, radiate; involucre cylindric to campanulate; phyllaries uniseriate, subequal, abaxially variously glandular punctate with glandular pits, margins thin, narrowly to broadly overlapping, median keel narrow to strong, bases projecting outward, apex slightly to strongly apiculate; receptacle slightly convex, naked, epaleate. Ray florets inserted in basal pockets of phyllaries, equal in number to phyllaries, uniseriate, fertile; corolla yellow to reddish, with distinct limb, apex minutely 3-lobed. Disk florets 3 to ca. 40, fertile, bisexual; corolla yellow, sometimes drying purplish, glabrous or puberulent with blunt hairs, throat funnelform, lobes 5, equal or unequal, sometimes weakly bilabiate, lanceolate to broadly linear, with or without oil gland in tip; anther thecae pale, shortly pointed at base, apical anther appendages ovate to truncate; style shaft with brush of short hairs; style arms narrow or short and broad. Achenes black, narrowly cylindric or fusiform, weakly ribbed, glabrous or setuliferous; carpopodium a short cap; pappus of scabrid bristles, of a few stout awns, bristles, or scales, or only of scales. x = 12.
About 85 species: tropical and subtropical America, especially Mexico; one species (introduced) in China.