1 |
Plants with slender stems up to 90 cm, at least in lower 1/2 with long, horizontally spreading lateral branches; hairs slender, 0.1-0.4 mm. |
8 P. eutrichus |
+ |
Stems mostly shorter, without horizontally spreading lateral branches, if sometimes as long as above, then with other kinds of hair |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Plants in all parts covered with bladderlike, scalelike hairs up to 0.1 mm. |
4 P. chinense |
+ |
Plants at least at calyx with slender, longer, not bladderlike hairs |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Petals yellow, rarely with violet-tipped keel |
(4) |
+ |
Petals blue or violet, rarely yellow at base only |
(6) |
4 (3) |
Plants 30-75 cm tall; calyx 7-12 mm, teeth 4-9 mm; keel as long as wings. |
5 P. dolichochaete |
+ |
Plants 10-50 cm tall; calyx up to 10 mm, teeth up to 6 mm; keel longer than wings |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Leaflets in 7-13 pairs, 5-16 × 1-4 mm, distinctly more than 2 × as long as wide; peduncles 3-11 cm. |
9 P. flavovirens |
+ |
Leaflets in 4-10 pairs, 5-10 × 2.5-5 mm, ca. 2 × as long as wide; peduncles 1.5-4 cm. |
2 P. camptodontum |
6 (3) |
Plants at least in part with spreading hairs |
(7) |
+ |
Plants with appressed to ascending hairs only |
(11) |
7 (6) |
Calyx 8-10 mm, white hairy, teeth 4.5-6 mm; standard 15-19 mm; legumes with a stipe ca. 5 mm, 25-30 mm, 2-locular. |
21 P. turgidocarpum |
+ |
Calyx shorter, white and black hairy, teeth mostly shorter; standard 7-13 mm; legumes with a stipe up to 3 mm or subsessile, up to 20 mm, 1-locular |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Leaflets 8-20 mm; bracts 8-10 mm; calyx 7-8 mm, with teeth 4-5 mm. |
12 P. lineariauriferum |
+ |
Leaflets distinctly smaller; bracts at most up to 4 mm; calyx up to 6 mm with shorter teeth |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Stipules 2.5-4.5 mm; leaflets 3-15 mm; bracts 1.5-4 mm; bracteoles 0.5-2 mm; calyx teeth 1.5-4 mm; legumes 5-6.5 mm high and wide. |
20 P. tribulifolium |
+ |
Stipules up to 2.5 mm; leaflets 2-6 mm; bracts up to 2 mm; bracteoles mostly absent, if present, then ca. 0.3 mm (in P. milingense); calyx teeth up to 2.5 mm; legumes either much higher than wide or much wider than high |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Stems with appressed hairs; leaflets loosely to rather densely hairy adaxially; bracts 1.5-2 mm; legumes 15-20 mm, 8-12 mm high, strongly compressed laterally, without beak. |
10 P. heydei |
+ |
Stems with partly spreading hairs; leaflets glabrous to subglabrous adaxially; bracts 0.6-1 mm; legumes 10-15 mm, 2.5-3 mm high and 5-7 mm wide, with a short beak. |
13 P. milingense |
11 (6) |
Leaflets on both surfaces loosely to densely hairy |
(12) |
+ |
Leaflets adaxially glabrous or rarely sparsely hairy |
(13) |
12 (11) |
Stipules 2-3 mm; bracts 4-6 mm, with spreading hairs; calyx 7-8 mm, covered with spreading white and dark brown hairs. |
3 P. chapmanianum |
+ |
Stipules 4-7 mm; bracts 6-10 mm, with appressed to ascending hairs; calyx 9-10 mm, covered with appressed to ascending white and shorter black hairs. |
11 P. lasaense |
13 (11) |
Standard up to 10 mm; bracts up to 2 mm; bracteoles absent |
(14) |
+ |
Standard at least 12 mm; bracts mostly distinctly longer |
(16) |
14 (13) |
Plants up to 50 cm tall; calyx 7-8 mm; legumes 25-30 mm. |
17 P. siccaneum |
+ |
Plants up to 30 cm tall; calyx up to 5.5 mm; legumes up to 13 mm |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Stem and peduncles loosely to rather densely hairy; leaflets narrowly elliptic, 3-11 × 1-2 mm, acute; keel as long as wings. |
15 P. prodigiosum |
+ |
Stem and peduncles glabrous to sparsely hairy; leaflets elliptic, 4-9 × 1.5-4 mm, obtuse; keel distinctly longer than wings. |
16 P. sanbilingense |
16 (13) |
Stem, rachises, and peduncles glabrous or sparsely hairy; leaflets 10-30 × 3.5-10 mm. |
14 P. pastorium |
+ |
Stem, rachises, and peduncles loosely to rather densely hairy, sometimes only sparsely hairy; leaflets up to 12 mm |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Stem, rachises, and peduncles covered with hairs up to 0.15 mm and also with much shorter, minute, nearly globose hairs; calyx teeth 2.5-3 mm; legumes very shortly acuminate. |
7 P. enneaphyllum |
+ |
Stems without minute subglobose hairs; at least longer calyx teeth 3.5-6 mm; legumes with a beak 2-4 mm |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Stipules 1-3 mm, lower ones completely embracing stem but free from each other; keel shorter than wings. |
6 P. donianum |
+ |
Stipules 3-5 mm, lower ones not or up to 1/2 embracing stem; keel longer than wings |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Plants 20-40(-60) cm tall; racemes 2-7(-9)-flowered; petals violet or in lower part yellow. |
1 P. balfourianum |
+ |
Plants 10-25 cm tall; stipules not embracing stem, never reflexed; racemes 1-5-flowered; petals purple or purple-red and standard in middle with a white, purple-striate spot |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Leaflets narrowly obovate, 2-3 mm wide; bracteoles 2-3(-4) mm; standard purple-red, ca. 16 mm, limb ca. 14 mm wide, transversely elliptic, in middle with a white, purple-striate spot. |
19 P. tingriense |
+ |
Leaflets widely obovate, 3.3-6 mm wide; bracteoles absent or up to 1 mm; standard purple, ca. 12 mm, limb ca. 8 mm wide, suborbicular. |
18 P. sichuanense |