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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae

85. Pilosella Hill, Brit. Herb. 441. 1756.

细毛菊属 xi mao ju shu

Authors: Zhu Shi & Günter Gottschlich

Herbs, perennial, rosulate. Stem solitary to few fascicled, branched or unbranched. Rosette leaves sessile, rarely withered at anthesis, margin entire or rarely denticulate; stem leaves [absent or] few or [rarely] numerous. Synflorescence corymbiform [or pseudocymiform, sometimes capitulum solitary]. Capitula with numerous florets. Involucre ovoid to hemispheric, [4-]6-10[-14] mm. Phyllaries in several irregular rows, linear-lanceolate or rarely ovate-lanceolate. Florets yellow [rarely pale yellow or orangish red], sometimes outer ones red striped. Achene cylindric, ellipsoid, or narrowly obconic, 1-2[-2.5] mm, with [8-]10[-14] equal apically distinct ribs not confluent in an obscure ring, apex truncate. Pappus white or dirty white, of scabrid bristles.

About 110 species (broad species concept) with ca. 700 apomictic or hybrid taxa: N Africa, Asia, Europe; two species in China.

1 Stem with spreading bristles; involucre [9-]10-11 mm.   1 P. procera
+ Stem with appressed or upward-curved bristles; involucre 6-9 mm.   2 P. echioides

Lower Taxa


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