215. Pseudanthistiria (Hackel) J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India. 7: 219. 1896 [“1897”].
假铁秆草属 jia tie gan cao shu
Authors: Shou-liang Chen & Sylvia M. Phillips
Andropogon sect. Pseudanthistiria Hackel in A. Candolle & C. Candolle, Monogr. Phan. 6: 400. 1889.
Annuals. Culms slender, usually decumbent at base or trailing. Leaf sheaths shorter than internodes; leaf blades linear to lanceolate; ligule membranous, short, truncate. Inflorescence a leafy compound panicle, composed of several axillary fascicles of short racemes, each individual raceme subtended by a sheathing spatheole, fascicle supported by a spathe at apex of a flexuous peduncle. Racemes fragile, comprising 1–3 spikelet pairs and a terminal triad of 1 sessile and 2 pedicelled spikelets, without homogamous spikelet pairs at base; internodes and pedicels linear, short. Sessile spikelet dorsally compressed; callus small, obtuse; lower glume papery to cartilaginous, dorsally subconvex to concave, margins rounded and inrolled, apex truncate; upper glume awnless; lower lemma reduced or absent; upper lemma stipitiform, entire, passing into a geniculate glabrous awn. Pedicelled spikelet larger than sessile, acute; callus narrowly oblong.
Three species: India to Thailand; one species (probably introduced) in China.