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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae

4. Saraca Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 2: 469; Mant. Pl. 1: 13, 98. 1767.

无忧花属 wu you hua shu

Authors: Dezhao Chen, Prof. Dianxiang Zhang & Ding Hou

Trees. Leaves abruptly pinnate, with few pairs of leaflets, leathery; stipules 2, usually united to a conical sheath, caducous; petiole robust, with glandular nodes. Corymbose panicles axillary or terminal; involucre caducous; bract 1, deciduous or persistent, smaller or larger than bracteoles, hairy or glabrous; bracteoles 2, usually persistent, subopposite, colored. Flowers bisexual or uni­sexual, yellowish to deep red, with short pedicels. Calyx tubular; tube elongated, slightly inflated in upper part, with a disk at apex; lobes 4, rarely 5 or 6, petaloid, ovate-oblong, slightly unequal in size, imbricate. Petals absent. Stamens 4-10, all perfect or 1 or 2 reduced, inserted in disk on throat of calyx tube; filaments free, elongated, often reflexed in bud; anthers oblong or suborbicular, dorsifixed, cells opening lengthwise. Ovary compressed, oblong, hairy or glabrous, shortly stalked, stalk adnate to calyx tube; ovules few to more than 10; style filiform; stigma terminal, capitate. Legume compressed, oblong, slightly curved and oblique, leathery to rather woody, 2-valved. Seeds 1-8, compressed, elliptic to ovoid; testa thin, crustaceous; radicle small, straight.

About 20 species: tropical Asia; two species in China.

1 Perfect stamens 4; bracts and bracteoles small, equal in size, not longer than 5 mm, persistent; pedicels articulate.   1 S. griffithiana
+ Stamens 8-10 including 1 or 2 reduced; bracts and bracteoles larger, usually longer than 1 cm, bracts much larger than bracteoles, deciduous or nearly persistent; pedicels not articulate.   2 S. dives

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