96. Sinacalia H. Robinson & Brettell, Phytologia. 27: 274. 1973.
华蟹甲属 hua xie jia shu
Authors: Yilin Chen, Bertil Nordenstam & Charles Jeffrey
Herbs, perennial, erect, with thick subterranean tuberiform rhizomes and numerous fibrous roots. Leaves simple, petiole not winged, basal and lower stem leaves usually fallen by anthesis; blade ovate to suborbicular, palmately or pinnately veined, base cordate to subtruncate, sometimes expanded and subamplexicaul, but not vaginate. Capitula solitary or few to numerous, arranged in terminal lax corymb or compound paniculoid thyrses, radiate; peduncles bracteolate. Involucres not calyculate, narrowly cylindric to obconic-campanulate, with minutely puberulent tips and scarious margins. Ray florets 2-8; lamina yellow, oblong or linear-oblong, 4-7-veined, with 2 or 3 small terminal teeth. Disk florets 2 to many; corolla yellow; limb funnelform; lobes 5, anthers shortly acutely to obtusely caudate, tails 1/4-3/4 as long as antheropodium; antheropodia broadly obconic to somewhat balusterform, broader than filament at base; endothecial cell wall thickenings strictly polar. Style branches incurved, obtuse with numerous rather long, prominent, obtuse terminal papillae. Achenes cylindric, ribbed, glabrous. Pappus persistent, capillary-like.
● Four species: China.
Ligularia and Parasenecio are the closest relatives to Sinacalia. Sinacalia differs from the former by its non-vaginate leaf sheaths, from the latter by its radiate capitula, and from both by its tuberiform rhizomes.
1 |
Capitula small, numerous, in broad, richly branched paniculoid thyrses; involucre cylindric, ca. 2 mm in diam., phyllaries 5; ray florets 2 or 3 |
(2) |
+ |
Capitula large, 20 or fewer, corymbose or solitary; involucre obconic-campanulate, 5-8 mm in diam., phyllaries 8; ray florets 5-8 |
(3) |
2 (1) |
Leaf blade deeply pinnatisect, with 3 or 4 lateral lobes on each side, pinnately veined. |
4 S. tangutica |
+ |
Leaf blade not lobed, pentagonal or triangular, sinuate, apiculate-dentate, basally palmately 3-5-veined. |
3 S. davidii |
3 (1) |
Leaf blade deeply cordate, thickly papery; ray lamina 15-18 mm. |
1 S. macrocephala |
+ |
Leaf blade shallowly cordate, truncate, or broadly cuneate, leathery or subleathery; ray lamina 8-11 mm. |
2 S. caroli |
Lower Taxa
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