144. Sphaerophysa Candolle, Prodr. 2: 270. 1825.
苦马豆属 ku ma dou shu
Authors: Hang Sun & Kai Larsen
Shrubs, small, or perennial herbs, glabrous or with pallid appressed hairs. Leaves imparipinnate; stipules small; leaflets 3 to numerous, entire, estipellate. Racemes axillary. Calyx teeth subequal or upper 2 connivent. Corolla red; standard orbicular, reflexed at margins; wings falcate-oblong; keel inrolled and blunt at apex. Stamens diadelphous; anthers homomorphic. Ovary long stipitate; ovules numerous; style incurved, adaxially longitudinally barbate; stigma terminal, capitate or oblique. Legume inflated, subglabrous, nearly indehiscent, with long stalk at base, ventral suture slightly sunken, segments membranous or leathery. Seeds numerous, reniform; funicle filiform. x = 8.
Two species: mainly in C, E, and SW Asia and Siberia; one species in China.
Lower Taxon
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