224. Sphagneticola O. Hoffmann, Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin. 3: 36. 1900.
蟛蜞菊属 peng qi ju shu
Herbs, perennial, woody, subfleshy, with prostrate stems, often rooting at nodes. Leaves opposite, shortly petiolate, often appearing sessile, blade often 3-lobed, margin lobed to serrate. Capitula solitary, terminal, often appearing axillary because of sympodial growth, long pedunculate, radiate, heterogamous; involucre broadly campanulate; outer phyllaries 3-5, herbaceous, often longer than inner, apices reflexed, inner phyllaries 10-12, thinly herbaceous or scarious; receptacle convex to conical; paleae persistent, scarious, conduplicate about ray achenes. Ray florets 1- or 2-seriate, female, fertile; corollas orange to yellow; lamina narrowly oblong, apices 3-lobed. Disk florets numerous, bisexual; corollas tubular, 5-lobed, lobes with hairlike papillae along inner margin; anther thecae and anther appendages blackish with scattered glandular dots. Achene body smooth to roughened or tuberculate, blackish, ray achenes triangular, disk achenes compressed, margin sometimes obscurely winged, apex shortly rostrate with a corona of erose to fimbrillate pappus setae.
About four species: New World tropics and subtropics; two species (one introduced) in China.
See Pruski, Novon 6: 404-418. 1996.