100. Syneilesis Maximowicz, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg Divers Savans. 9: 165. 1859.
兔儿伞属 tu er san shu
Authors: Yilin Chen & Bertil Nordenstam
Herbs, perennial, robust. Basal leaves peltate, palmately parted, long petiolate, densely crisped-hairy when young. Cotyledon involute before blade opens; stem leaves alternate, petiole basally amplexicaul. Capitula discoid; florets tubular, many, arranged in terminal corymb or panicles. Involucres narrowly tubular or cylindric, base with 2 or 3 linear bractlets; phyllaries 5, unequal, inner phyllaries broader, outer phyllaries narrow. Receptacle flat, glabrous, alveolate. Florets pale white to pale red, bisexual, fertile, irregularly lobed. Anthers basally hastate, appendages shortly acute. Style branches elongate, outside hairy, apically obtuse or triangular. Achenes cylindric, glabrous, many ribbed. Pappus many, unequal or subequal, finely bristly; seedlings with a single cotyledon.
Seven species: E Asia, mainly in China, Japan, and Korea; four species (three endemic) in China.