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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 11 | Linaceae

2. Tirpitzia H. Hallier, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 39(2): 5. 1921.

青篱柴属 qing li chai shu

Shrubs or small trees. Leaves alternate, shortly petiolate. Inflorescences axillary or terminal cymes. Sepals 5, persistent. Petals 5, white, basally with a narrow long claw confluent with other claws almost into a tube; lobes broadly obovate, patent. Stamens 5; filaments basally slightly expanded and connate into tube; staminodes 5, subulate, alternating with stamens. Ovary glabrous, 4- or 5-loculed with 2 ovules per locule; styles 4 or 5, as long as stamens; stigmas capitate. Capsule long ellipsoid, ovoid-ellipsoid, or ovoid, septicidal, 4- or 5-valvate. Seeds with a membranous wing.

Three species: China, N Thailand, Vietnam; two species in China.

1 Leaf blade papery to thickly papery; ovary 4-loculed; styles 4; capsule 4-valvate.   1 T. sinensis
+ Leaf blade leathery; ovary 5-loculed; styles 5; capsule 5-valvate.   2 T. ovoidea

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