13. Tugarinovia Iljin, Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada S.S.S.R. 27: 356. 1928.
革苞菊属 ge bao ju shu
Herbs, perennial, dioecious, stemless. Taproot crowned by a thick woody stock. Leaves all basal, tufted, petiolate; leaf blade leathery, pinnately divided; segments spiny. Flowering scapes lateral, axillary, short. Capitulum solitary, homogamous, female or functionally male. Receptacle naked. Male florets small; female florets larger, with staminodes. Anthers basally with long filiform tails. Pappus elements of two types; inner pappus of distinct scabrid bristles; outer pappus shorter, of few slender tortuous hairs.
One species: China, Mongolia.
Lower Taxa
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