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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae

128. Urariopsis Schindler, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 54: 51. 1916.

算珠豆属 suan zhu dou shu

Authors: Puhua Huang, Hiroyoshi Ohashi & Yu Iokawa

Shrubs or subshrubs, erect. Leaves 1-foliolate, stipulate and stipellate. Racemes terminal or axillary, rarely slightly branched panicles, 2-flowered at each bract; bracts large, early deciduous; bracteole absent. Calyx campanulate; lobes 5, upper 2 connate to apex or above middle. Standard obovate; wings auriculate at base of lamina, nearly not clawed; keel obtuse, clawed, not auriculate. Stamens diadelphous (9+1). Ovary shortly stipitate, 2- or 3-ovuled; style curved; stigma capitate; disk cylindric. Legume usually 3- or 4-jointed; articles compressed from front to back, beadlike, easily deciduous at maturity.

Two species: Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam; two species (one endemic) in China.

1 Leaflet blade ovate or broadly ovate, apex obtuse, not mucronate; inflorescences terminal, 13-20 cm; fruiting pedicel not curved apically.   1 U. cordifolia
+ Leaflet blade cordate, apex acute, mucronate; inflorescences terminal or axillary, only 4-5 cm at fruiting; fruiting pedicel distinctly curved apically.   2 U. brevissima

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