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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae

226. Wollastonia Candolle ex Decaisne, Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 3: 414. 1834.

孪花菊属 luan hua ju shu

Perennial herbs or weak shrubs. Leaves opposite; blade ovate, 3-veined. Synflorescence of solitary terminal capitula or open paniculate cymes. Capitula radiate; involucre hemispheric to campanulate; phyllaries 2-seriate; receptacle convex. Ray florets female; lamina yellow. Disk florets bisexual; corollas yellow or greenish yellow; anthers brown to black. Ray achenes cuneiform, 3-angled, base setuliferous, apex truncate. Disk achenes compressed and obscurely 4-angled, base setuliferous; pappus absent or usually a single awn.

Probably two species: Indo-Pacific coastal region and montane areas; two species in China.

See Fosberg and Sachet, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 45: 1-40. 1980.

1 Capitula usually (1 or)3-6, 20-30 mm in diam.; stems scandent.   1 W. biflora
+ Capitula always solitary, ca. 15 mm in diam.; stems erect.   2 W. montana

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