1. Zephyranthes Herbert, Appendix. 36. 1821.
[nom. cons.]
葱莲属 cong lian shu
Atamosco Adanson, nom. rej.
Herbs perennial, bulbiferous. Bulbs covered with a tunic. Leaves several, fascicled, linear. Flowering stem slender, hollow. Involucre 1, basally tubular, apically 2-notched. Flower solitary, terminal, erect. Perianth funnelform; tube short or long; lobes 6, subequal. Stamens 6, 3 long alternating with 3 short, inserted at throat or in tube of perianth; filament erect to slightly declinate; anther dorsifixed. Ovary with many ovules. Stigma 3-lobed or 3-notched. Fruit a capsule, subglobose, 3-valved, loculicidal. Seeds black, slightly flattened.
About 40 species: warmer regions of the W hemisphere; two species (introduced) in China.
Lower Taxa
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