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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 25 | Orchidaceae | Bulbophyllum

12. Bulbophyllum sect. Umbellata Bentham & J. D. Hooker, Gen. Pl. 3: 503. 1883.

伞形组 san xing zu

Rhizome creeping or straggling; roots sprouting mainly below pseudobulbs, spreading; new shoots arising from basal node of pseudobulb. Pseudobulbs distinct, apex with 1 leaf. Leaves persistent, thick. Inflorescence solitary, arising near pseudobulbs, a ± subumbellate raceme. Pedicel with basal node ± coinciding with attachment of subtending bract. Sepals: margins glabrous, 3-7-veined; lateral sepals usually longer than dorsal sepal, twisted inward near base, upper margins approaching or meeting and connate (free and not twisted in Bulbophyllum violaceolabellum). Petals: margins glabrous, 1-5-veined; lip: margins without auricles or lateral lobes, margins otherwise ± glabrous (ciliolate in B. unciniferum), adaxially ± glabrous. Column: stigma not protruding at its base, foot distinct; anther: front margin projecting or not, abaxially with or without a low, rounded crest; pollinia 4, inner 1/2 as long as outer or longer, all without appendages.

Thirty-eight provisionally accepted species: India to New Guinea; 19 species (five endemic) in China.

1 Dorsal sepal slightly shorter than lateral sepals.   43 B. violaceolabellum
+ Dorsal sepal 1.5-6 × shorter than lateral sepals   (2)
2 (1) Lateral sepals 2.5-6 cm   (3)
+ Lateral sepals less than 2.5 cm   (7)
3 (2) Leaf 2.5-6.5 × 1-1.5 cm; flowers white.   44 B. caudatum
+ Leaf 8-25 × 2.2-6 cm; flowers purple, deep yellow, or yellowish white striped with reddish brown or tinged with purplish red   (4)
4 (3) Stelidia distally widened, tip obtuse, erose or bidenticulate   (5)
+ Stelidia distally tapering, acute   (6)
5 (4) Petals truncate to emarginate and mucronate; lateral sepals ca. 60 mm.   45 B. delitescens
+ Petals rounded and mucronate; lateral sepals 25-37 mm.   46 B. macraei
6 (4) Median sepal shortly mucronate; petals truncate and mucronate, 5-7-veined.   47 B. funingense
+ Median sepal caudate with a thread ca. 3 mm; petals tapering, caudate, 3-veined.   48 B. tianguii
7 (2) Scape nearly as long as or sometimes slightly longer than pseudobulb   (8)
+ Scape 3-7 × as long as pseudobulb   (9)
8 (7) Rhizomes suberect or ascending; lateral sepals forming a conic tube.   49 B. unciniferum
+ Rhizomes creeping; lateral sepals forming a slipper-shaped synsepal.   50 B. spathulatum
9 (7) Lip densely hirsute on margin and abaxial surface.   62 B. gongshanense (B. "Section 13")
+ Lip margin and abaxial surface glabrous   (10)
10 (9) Lip narrowed, drawn-out and somewhat thinly cylindric in apical half   (11)
+ Lip not thinly cylindric in apical half   (12)
11 (10) Lip hooked-revolute at apex; anther cap entire apically.   51 B. japonicum
+ Lip not hooked-revolute at apex; anther cap with comblike teeth apically.   52 B. fordii
12 (10) Lateral sepals free   (13)
+ Lateral sepals adhering or connate along their upper and/or lower edges   (16)
13 (12) Petals acute.   53 B. elatum
+ Petals rounded to obtuse   (14)
14 (13) Column without wings along lower margins.   54 B. rolfei
+ Column with deltoid to triangular, rounded to acute wings along lower margins, near base   (15)
15 (14) Column with acute wings along lower margins.   55 B. guttulatum
+ Column with rounded wings along lower margins.   56 B. umbellatum
16 (12) Pseudobulbs globose; leaves elliptic-oblong, ca. 1 cm.   57 B. sphaericum
+ Pseudobulbs ovoid-conic to narrowly ovoid; leaves oblong or ovate-lanceolate, 1.6-8 cm   (17)
17 (16) Lateral sepals papillose abaxially   (18)
+ Lateral sepals glabrous   (19)
18 (17) Lateral sepals ca. 7 mm; scape ca. 2 cm.   58 B. bomiense
+ Lateral sepals 14-27 mm; scape 3-7 cm.   59 B. farreri
19 (17) Lateral sepals 11-21 mm; flowers yellow, ± with purple-red veins or becoming reddish.   60 B. retusiusculum
+ Lateral sepals 5-10 mm; flowers deep or dark red, usually ± with deep-colored spots or veins.   61 B. tigridum


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