4. Pteris confertinervia Ching, Acta Bot. Austro Sin. 1: 4. 1983.
密脉凤尾蕨 mi mai feng wei jue
Plants ca. 35 cm tall. Rhizome erect, short, apically scaly. Fronds submonomorphic, clustered; stipe light-brown, slender, ca. 1 mm in diam., glabrous. Sterile fronds: stipe up to 8 cm, lamina similar to those of fertile fronds in shape but shorter, or sometimes with more lateral pinna pairs, apical pinna decurrent on lateral pinnae forming a wing. Fertile fronds: stipe up to 13 cm; lamina pedate, connate at base; terminal pinna linear-lanceolate, ca. 25 × 0.9 cm, margin densely undulate-denticulate at base of pinnae, apex long acuminate; lateral pinnae similar but shorter. Lamina light brown-green, slightly lustrous, herbaceous when dried; midvein convex on both sides; veins closely spaced, ca. 28 per cm.
● Taiwan (Taibei).
Fraser-Jenkins (Taxon. Revis. Indian Subcontinental Pteridophytes, 101. 2008) regarded Pteris confertinervia as a synonym of P. cretica var. cretica. Reviewer Ralf Knapp indicates that there is a need to reinvestigate the identity of the plants commonly identified in Taiwan as P. cretica subsp. cretica.
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