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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Pteridaceae | Pteris

41. Pteris inaequalis Baker, J. Bot. 13: 199. 1875.

中华凤尾蕨 zhong hua feng wei jue

Pteris excelsa Blume var. inaequalis (Baker) S. H. Wu; P. excelsa var. simplicior (Tagawa) W. C. Shieh; P. inaequalis var. simplicior Tagawa; P. sinensis Ching.

Plants 40-100 cm tall. Rhizome prostrate, apex with brown, lanceolate scales. Fronds monomorphic; stipe straw-colored or brownish straw-colored, 26-46 cm; lamina 2-pinnatipartite, ovate to oblong-lanceolate in outline, 34-42 × 10-32 cm, base rounded or rounded-cuneate, apex caudate; lateral pinnae 3-6 pairs, opposite, oblique, sessile or subsessile, basiscopically pectinately lobed, acroscopically entire or few lobed, narrowly triangular in outline, falcate and ascending, apex long caudate; basal pair of pinnae 10-22 × 5-11 cm, basiscopic 2-7 segments falcate-lanceolate, basal one largest, 3-10 × 0.7-1.5 cm, sterile margins dentate, apex obtuse or tapering; upper pinnae sometimes entire, linear; terminal pinna larger, triangular-ovate, pectinately divided; lamina herbaceous, glabrous; grooves of rachis and costa with short spines; midvein abaxially protuberant; veins abaxially conspicuous, adaxially inconspicuous; lateral veins oblique, forked or simple.

Forests, streamsides, limestone caves; 400-1400 m. Fujian (Chong’an), Guangdong (Lechang), Guangxi (Longsheng, Xiuren), Guizhou, Jiangxi (Jinggangshan, Tonggu), Sichuan (Dechang, Emei Shan, Hechuan), Yunnan (Kunming, Mengzi), Zhejiang (Longquan) [India, Japan].

Pteris sinensis was proposed as a replacement name for P. inaequalis Baker in the belief that this was a later homonym of P. inaequalis C. Presl (Tent. Pterid. 145. 1836). However, Presl’s name is a nomen nudum and was not therefore validly published (Melbourne Code, Art. 38.1(a)). Baker’s name is therefore legitimate and the correct name for this taxon.


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