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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 6 | Ranunculaceae | Aquilegia

6. Aquilegia lactiflora Karelin & Kirilov, Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou. 1841: 374. 1841.

白花耧斗菜 bai hua lou dou cai

Stems 40--80 cm tall, pubescent or glandular pubescent, apically branched. Basal leaves 1- or 2-ternate; petiole to 20 cm; leaf blade abaxially pubescent, adaxially subglabrous; lateral leaflets obliquely obovate, unequally 2-parted; central leaflet cuneate-obovate, 1--2 × 1--2 cm, 3-parted and segments with 1--3 obtuse teeth. Stem leaves 2 to several. Inflorescences cymose, 2- to several flowered; bracts linear, ca. 5 mm. Flowers pendulous, ca. 2.5 cm in diam. Pedicel 1.5--6 cm. Sepals white, lanceolate-oblong, 1.4--2 × ca. 0.5 cm, pubescent, apex acute. Petals white, sometimes tinged with yellow, suberect, cuneate-oblong, 7--10 mm, apex rounded; spur 1.5--2.2 cm, straight or apically slightly incurved. Stamens nearly as long as to slightly longer than petals; anthers yellow, oblong, 1--1.5 mm. Pistils 5 or 6, densely glandular hairy. Follicles 1.3--1.5 cm; persistent styles 6--7 mm. Fl. Jun--Aug.

Grassy slopes. NW Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Russia].


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