2. Dichocarpum basilare W. T. Wang & P. K. Hsiao, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 9: 325. 1964.
基叶人字果 ji ye ren zi guo
Rhizome ca. 1 cm, to 6 mm in diam. Leaves 3--5, basal, (3--)5-foliolate; petiole 2--4.7 cm; leaf blade triangular or pentagonal, 1.5--3.4 × 2.2--4 cm; lateral leaflets 1 pair, obliquely rhombic, similar to central leaflet but smaller, or 2 pairs shortly petiolulate, obliquely rhombic to elliptic, unequal in size: lower leaflets 3.5--8 × 2.5 mm, upper leaflets 1.2--1.3 × 0.7--0.8 cm; central leaflet rhombic to rhombic-obovate, 1.2--2.7 × 0.8--2.8 cm, base broadly cuneate, apex obtuse. Flowering stem 16--19 cm tall, glabrous, 3--5-flowered; bracts obovate, ca. 5 × 2.5 mm, 3-lobed. Flowers unknown. Follicles linear, 7.5--10 mm, glabrous; persistent styles ca. 1.5 mm. Seeds dark purple, subglobose, ca. 1.5 mm, smooth. Fr. Jun.
* Grassy places; 500--600 m. S Sichuan (Yibin Xian).
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