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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 6 | Ranunculaceae | Thalictrum

23. Thalictrum fusiforme W. T. Wang, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 4: 137. 1982.

纺锤唐松草 fang chui tang song cao

Plants 80--100 cm tall, sparsely white pubescent. Leaves both basal and cauline; leaf blade 3-ternate, glabrous; leaflet blade elliptic or broadly so, herbaceous, margin obtusely 3-lobed; lobes 1- or 2-toothed; veins flat on both surfaces. Inflorescence terminal, monochasial, racemelike, many flowered. Pedicel 5--16 mm, glabrous or subglabrous. Flowers not seen. Achene stipe 1--1.3 mm; body fusiform, 8.5--11 mm; persistent style circinate, ca. 3 mm. Fr. Jul.

* Mixed forests by riversides; ca. 2000 m. SE Xizang (Zayü Xian).

This species is similar to Thalictrum atriplex, but differs in having pubescent stem, leaves, and peduncle, longer pedicels, and stipitate, fusiform achenes.


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