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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 8 | Crassulaceae | Rhodiola

47. Rhodiola forrestii (Raymond-Hamet) S. H. Fu, Acta Phytotax. Sin., Addit. 1: 126. 1965.

长圆红景天 chang yuan hong jing tian

Sedum yunnanense Franchet var. forrestii Raymond-Hamet, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 5: 117. 1912; S. yunnanense var. muliense Fröderström; S. yunnanense var. oblanceolatum Fröderström; S. yunnanense var. strictum Fröderström.

Caudex erect or inclining, ca. 1.5 cm in diam. Caudex leaves scalelike, narrowly triangular-lanceolate. Flowering stems erect, 20-40 cm. Proximal stem leaves 3- or 4-verticillate or opposite, sessile, ± lanceolate- to ovate-oblong, linear-oblong distally on stem, 2-5 × 0.6-1 cm, margin remotely and coarsely dentate, pinnately lobate, or subentire. Inflorescences terminal cymose panicles or axillary cymes. Flowers unisexual, male ones unequally 5-merous. Sepals ca. 3 mm, base connate for ca. 1 mm. Petals oblong and 3-3.5 mm in male flowers, triangular-ovate and ca. 1.1 mm in female ones. Stamens 10; antesepalous ones as long or slightly longer than petals; antepetalous ones slightly shorter than petals. Nectar scales broadly cuneate, apex rounded to emarginate. Carpels oblong-ovoid, ca. 3 mm. Styles recurved, short. Fl. Jun-Jul, fr. Aug.

* Slopes; 2900-4000 m. W Sichuan, NW Yunnan.


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