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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 9 | Rosaceae | Rosa

51c. Rosa giraldii var. bidentata T. T. Yu & T. C. Ku

重齿陕西蔷薇 chong chi shan xi qiang wei

A var. giraldii foliolis margine irregulariter duplicato-serratis, serraturis apice glandulosis, foliorum rhachidibus et foliolis subtus ad costam pubescentibus sparse glanduloisis et breve aculeatis, differt.

Leaflets abaxially along midvein pubescent, sparsely glandular, and shortly prickly, leaflet margin irregularly doubly serrate, teeth glandular apically.

Rocky slopes; ca. 1700 m. SC Shaanxi (Zhongnan Shan).

Type: China. Shaanxi: Chang’an Xian, Zhongnan Shan, s.d., Anonymous s.n. (holotype, PE).

This variety was accepted in FRPS (p. 418), with the place of publication cited as “Bull. Bot. Res.[, Harbin] 1(4): 1981,” i.e., without a page number. The name was published nowhere in that journal, and no validating description, diagnosis, nor indication of type was included in FRPS. It is therefore validated here. One of us (Robertson) has seen no specimens of this variety.


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