1 |
Leaves simple, exstipulate; flower solitary; petals yellow (1. R. subgen. Hulthemia). |
1 R. berberifolia |
+ |
Leaves compound, stipulate, flowers solitary to many; petals various shades of white, yellow, pink, or red (2. R. subgen. Rosa). |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Hypanthium depressed-globose; achenes inserted at projecting torus at base of hypanthium; styles free, not exserted (8. R. sect. Microphyllae). |
(3) |
+ |
Hypanthium globose to urceolate, rarely depressed-globose; achenes inserted at walls and flat base of hypanthium; styles free or connate into a column, exserted or not. |
(5) |
3 (2) |
Leaflets pubescent on both surfaces; sepals entire; petals red; flowers 8–9 cm in diam. |
95 R. praelucens |
+ |
Leaflets glabrous; sepals pinnately lobed; petals reddish, pink, or white; flowers 2.5–6 cm in diam. |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Petals reddish or pink; flowers solitary, or 2 or 3 and fasciculate, 4–6 cm in diam. |
93 R. roxburghii |
+ |
Petals white; flowers 7–17 in corymb, 2.5–3 cm in diam. |
94 R. kweichowensis |
5 (2) |
Stipules free or nearly free from petioles, caducous. |
(6) |
+ |
Stipules adnate to petioles, persistent. |
(9) |
6 (5) |
Branchlets tomentose; leaflets (5–)7–9, stipules pectinate; flower solitary, or 2 or 3 and fasciculate, with large pectinate bracts; styles slightly exserted (7. R. sect. Bracteatae). |
92 R. bracteata |
+ |
Branchlets glabrous; leaflets 3–5, stipules dentate or subulate; flowers solitary or numerous, with smaller bracts; styles not exserted. |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Pedicel and hypanthium densely glandular bristly; flowers large, solitary; petals white; stipules dentate (6. R. sect. Laevigatae). |
91 R. laevigata |
+ |
Pedicel and hypanthium not glandular bristly; flowers small, numerous in corymb; petals yellow or white; stipules subulate (5. R. sect. Banksianae). |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Flowers in simple umbels or corymbs; sepals entire. |
89 R. banksiae |
+ |
Flowers in compound corymbs; sepals pinnately lobed. |
90 R. cymosa |
9 (5) |
Styles exserted, free or connate into a column, slightly shorter than or nearly equaling stamens. |
(10) |
+ |
Styles free, not exserted or only slightly so, shorter than stamens. |
(41) |
10 (9) |
Styles free, slightly shorter than stamens; leaflets often 3–5 (3. R. sect. Chinenses). |
(11) |
+ |
Styles connate into a column, nearly equaling stamens; leaflets 5–9 (4. R. sect. Synstylae). |
(13) |
11 (10) |
Shrub; leaflets 3–5; stipules glandular-pubescent at margin; flowers 4 or 5, rarely solitary, slightly fragrant or not; sepals often pinnately lobed; hip ovoid or pyriform. |
56 R. chinensis |
+ |
Liana; stipules not glandular or only glandular at margin of free part; flowers 1–3, fragrant; sepals entire or slightly incised; hip depressed globose, pyriform, or obovoid. |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Branchlets sparsely hooked prickly; leaflets 5–9; petals pinkish, yellow, or white; flowers 1–3, 5–10 cm in diam., very fragrant; hip depressed globose. |
57 R. odorata |
+ |
Branchlets prickly, setose; leaflets 3(–5); petals purple-red; flower solitary, 3–3.5 cm in diam.; hip pyriform or obovoid. |
58 R. lucidissima |
13 (10) |
Stipules pectinate or irregularly serrate at margin. |
(14) |
+ |
Stipules entire at margin, often glandular-pubescent. |
(27) |
14 (13) |
Leaflets 3 or 5(or 7). |
(15) |
+ |
Leaflets (5 or)7 or 9. |
(17) |
15 (14) |
Leaflets usually 3, ovate-lanceolate; petals pink. |
73 R. anemoniflora |
+ |
Leaflets usually 5, rarely 3 or 7; petals white. |
(16) |
16 (15) |
Leaflets 4–8 × 1.5–3 cm; flowers 2.5–3.5 cm in diam. |
67 R. sambucina var. pubescens |
+ |
Leaflets 1.5–3.6 × 0.8–1.5 cm; flowers ca. 2.5 cm in diam. |
68 R. taiwanensis |
17 (14) |
Stipules pectinate at margin. |
(18) |
+ |
Stipules irregularly serrate, rarely pectinate at margin. |
(22) |
18 (17) |
Styles and leaflets densely pubescent. |
63 R. kunmingensis |
+ |
Styles glabrous; leaflets pubescent on both surfaces or only abaxially sparsely pubescent or subglabrous. |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Flower solitary; leaflets not exceeding 1 cm, both surfaces pubescent. |
62 R. uniflorella |
+ |
Flowers numerous in panicle; leaflets (1.3–)1.5–5 cm, only abaxially sparsely pubescent or subglabrous. |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Leaflets doubly serrate at margin; sepals pinnately lobed, lobules linear, abaxially glandular-pubescent. |
61 R. daishanensis |
+ |
Leaflets usually simply serrate at margin; sepals 2-lobed usually at middle part, abaxially glabrous. |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Leaflets 7 or 9, rhomboid-elliptic, base cuneate, margin deeply serrate; sepals entire at margin. |
59 R. langyashanica |
+ |
Leaflets 5–9, obovate, oblong, or ovate, base rounded or broadly cuneate, margin shallowly serrate; sepals usually 2-lobed, sometimes entire at margin. |
60 R. multiflora |
22 (17) |
Leaflets abaxially densely villous; styles pubescent. |
(23) |
+ |
Leaflets abaxially glabrous or subglabrous; styles pubescent or not. |
(24) |
23 (22) |
Petals white; flowers 1.5–3 cm in diam., in corymb; pedicel and hypanthium densely pubescent and glandular-pubescent; leaflets adaxially pubescent along veins. |
64 R. kwangtungensis |
+ |
Petals pink; flowers 2.5–3 cm in diam., in umbel-like corymb; pedicel and hypanthium glabrous or sparsely glandular-pubescent; leaflets adaxially glabrous. |
65 R. lichiangensis |
24 (22) |
Styles glabrous. |
72 R. maximowicziana |
+ |
Styles pubescent. |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Flowers double, numerous in panicle. |
71 R. miyiensis |
+ |
Flowers with 5 petals, usually numerous in corymbs. |
(26) |
26 (25) |
Shrub prostrate, sprawling, or procumbent; pedicel and hypanthium glabrous. |
70 R. lucieae |
+ |
Shrub erect; pedicel and hypanthium glandular and sparsely pubescent. |
69 R. pricei |
27 (13) |
Leaflets pubescent on both surfaces or only abaxially. |
(28) |
+ |
Leaflets glabrous or sparsely pubescent abaxially along veins. |
(31) |
28 (27) |
Leaflets thicker in texture, adaxially rugose, abaxially densely gray-white pubescent, with prominent veins. |
75 R. glomerata |
+ |
Leaflets thinner in texture, adaxially not rugose, abaxially sparsely pubescent or along veins more densely pubescent. |
(29) |
29 (28) |
Leaflets usually 5; sepals usually entire. |
76 R. rubus |
+ |
Leaflets 7–9, often fewer just below inflorescence; sepals often with lateral lobes. |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Inflorescences umbel-like. |
77 R. helenae |
+ |
Inflorescences compound corymbs. |
74 R. brunonii |
31 (27) |
Leaflets leathery, lucid, abaxially glabrous or sparsely pubescent; petals abaxially sericeous. |
(32) |
+ |
Leaflets not leathery, not lucid; petals abaxially glabrous. |
(33) |
32 (31) |
Leaflets 5–9, 3–7 × 1–3.5 cm; sepals 0.8–1.2 cm, both surfaces glandular-pubescent; flowers in corymb. |
78 R. longicuspis |
+ |
Leaflets 3–5, 7–12 × 3–6 cm; sepals 1.5–2 cm, both surfaces densely whitish tomentose, not glandular; flowers in compound corymb. |
79 R. lasiosepala |
33 (31) |
Leaflets 3–5. |
(34) |
+ |
Leaflets (5–)7(–9). |
(36) |
34 (33) |
Leaflets 3.5–9 cm, abaxially not glandular, margin simply serrate. |
86 R. henryi |
+ |
Leaflets smaller, less than 2.5 cm, abaxially glandular, margin doubly serrate. |
(35) |
35 (34) |
Leaflets 8–15 mm, apex rounded-obtuse or truncate; flowers solitary, or 2 or 3 and fasciculate. |
87 R. duplicata |
+ |
Leaflets larger, 12–25 mm, apex acute or shortly acuminate; flowers 5–10, in corymb. |
88 R. weisiensis |
36 (33) |
Leaflets abaxially glandular, larger. |
(37) |
+ |
Leaflets abaxially not glandular, smaller. |
(39) |
37 (36) |
Leaflets obovate, 7–10 × 5–8 mm, margin doubly serrate, teeth apically glandular. |
80 R. deqenensis |
+ |
Leaflets ovate, elliptic, or ovate-oblong, larger, margin simply serrate, teeth not apically glandular. |
(38) |
38 (37) |
Leaflets oblong-ovate or lanceolate, 4–7 cm, pedicel 2–3 cm. |
81 R. filipes |
+ |
Leaflets elliptic or ovate, 3–6 cm; pedicel 1.5–1.8 cm. |
82 R. ludingensis |
39 (36) |
Leaflets 5(or 7); styles glabrous. |
83 R. derongensis |
+ |
Leaflets usually 7; styles pubescent. |
(40) |
40 (39) |
Pedicel longer, 2–2.5 cm, and hypanthium, sepals abaxially glandular. |
84 R. shangchengensis |
+ |
Pedicel shorter, not exceeding 1 cm, and hypanthium, sepals usually glabrous, occasionally glandular. |
85 R. soulieana |
41 (9) |
Flowers solitary, rarely several, ebracteate (1. R. sect. Pimpinellifoliae). |
(42) |
+ |
Flowers numerous in corymb or solitary, bracteate (2. R. sect. Cinnamomeae). |
(60) |
42 (41) |
Sepals and petals 5. |
(43) |
+ |
Sepals and petals 4. |
(54) |
43 (42) |
Flowering branches densely bristly and prickly, rarely without bristles. |
(44) |
+ |
Flowering branches only prickly, rarely bristly. |
(47) |
44 (43) |
Leaflets doubly serrate at margin, glandular abaxially. |
5 R. kokanica |
+ |
Leaflets simply serrate at margin, or both simply serrate and doubly serrate on same plant, not glandular punctate abaxially. |
(45) |
45 (44) |
Leaflets 7–11(–15), elliptic, obovate-elliptic, or oblong-elliptic. |
4 R. koreana |
+ |
Leaflets 7–9, rarely 5 or 11, oblong, oblong-ovate, suborbicular, ovate, or elliptic. |
(46) |
46 (45) |
Leaflets oblong, oblong-ovate, or suborbicular, 1–2.2 cm; flowers 2–6 cm in diam.; hip black or dark brown, subglobose. |
2 R. spinosissima |
+ |
Leaflets ovate or elliptic, 5–18 mm; flowers 1.5–2 cm in diam.; hip deep red, ellipsoid or ovoid-oblong. |
3 R. farreri |
47 (43) |
Petals white, pinkish, or red. |
(48) |
+ |
Petals yellow. |
(50) |
48 (47) |
Leaflets 3–7, elliptic or oblong, margin simply serrate; stipules lanceolate, filiform dissected, glandular dentate; petals white; flowers 1.8–2.5 cm in diam.; sepals ovate; pedicel ca. 1.5 cm, glandular or not. |
66 R. transmorrisonensis |
+ |
Leaflets 9–13, ovate or elliptic, margin doubly serrate; stipules broadly oblanceolate, glandular-pubescent; petals pink or white; flowers 2.5–4 cm in diam.; sepals ovate- lanceolate or triangular-lanceolate; pedicel 1.5–3 cm, glandular-pubescent or glabrous. |
(49) |
49 (48) |
Leaflets (7–)9–11; petals pink or red; pedicel glandular-pubescent or glabrous. |
11 R. graciliflora |
+ |
Leaflets 11–13; petals white; pedicel glabrous, but sparsely glandular-pubescent. |
12 R. tsinglingensis |
50 (47) |
Leaflets doubly serrate, abaxially glandular. |
(51) |
+ |
Leaflets simply serrate, abaxially not glandular. |
(52) |
51 (50) |
Leaflets 9–15, rarely 7, elliptic, elliptic-ovate, or long elliptic, abaxially glabrous; petals yellowish or yellow-white; flowers 2.5–4 cm in diam.; sepals apically acuminate. |
9 R. primula |
+ |
Leaflets 5–9, rarely 11, broadly ovate or obovate, abaxially pubescent; petals yellow; flowers double, 4–6.5 cm in diam.; sepals leaflike. |
10 R. foetida var. persiana |
52 (50) |
Leaflets 5–9, suborbicular, obovate, or elliptic, glabrous, margin serrate at upper part, entire near base. |
6 R. platyacantha |
+ |
Leaflets 5–13, ovate, elliptic, obovate, or suborbicular, pubescent or glabrous, margin serrate from base to apex. |
(53) |
53 (52) |
Leaflets ovate, elliptic, or obovate, glabrous, margin acutely serrate or entire; flowers 4–5.5 cm in diam.; branches sometimes bristly at base. |
7 R. hugonis |
+ |
Leaflets broadly ovate or suborbicular, rarely elliptic, abaxially sparsely pubescent, margin obtusely serrate or crenate; flowers 3–4(–5) cm in diam.; branches not bristly at base. |
8 R. xanthina |
54 (42) |
Leaflets abaxially glandular or at least margin doubly glandular serrate. |
(55) |
+ |
Leaflets abaxially not glandular, margin simply serrate. |
(56) |
55 (54) |
Leaflets oblong or obovate, abaxially glandular, adaxially glabrous or pilose; hip subglobose, abaxially glandular. |
18 R. sikangensis |
+ |
Leaflets obovate, adaxially densely pubescent, abaxially glabrous, glandular only along veins; hip obovoid, abaxially not glandular. |
19 R. zhongdianensis |
56 (54) |
Fruiting pedicel turgid. |
(57) |
+ |
Fruiting pedicel not turgid. |
(58) |
57 (56) |
Leaflets 7–9(–13), oblong or oblong-obovate, abaxially glabrous, shortly bristly, margin only near apex serrate; petals yellowish; hip orange-yellow, obconic. |
13 R. taronensis |
+ |
Leaflets 9–17, oblong or elliptic-oblong, abaxially glabrous or puberulous along midvein, margin serrate from base to apex; petals white; hip red or yellow, obovoid or pyriform. |
14 R. omeiensis |
58 (56) |
Leaflets glabrous on both surfaces, 7–11, oblong or broadly obovate; hip pyriform or obovoid. |
15 R. morrisonensis |
+ |
Leaflets abaxially densely pubescent, 5–13, ovate, obovate, or oblong-obovate; hip globose, obovoid, or obovoid-globose. |
(59) |
59 (58) |
Leaflets 7–11(–13), ovate, obovate, or obovate-oblong, adaxially glabrous, abaxially sericeous; hip globose or obovoid, 8–15 mm in diam. |
16 R. sericea |
+ |
Leaflets 5–9(–11), oblong-obovate, both surfaces sericeous; hip obovoid-globose, ca. 1 cm in diam. |
17 R. mairei |
60 (41) |
Apical part of hypanthium with sepals, disc, and styles deciduous at fruit ripening. |
(61) |
+ |
Apical part of hypanthium and sepals, disc, and styles not deciduous at fruit ripening. |
(64) |
61 (60) |
Prickles hooked; flowers numerous in corymb or panicle; hip globose. |
20 R. beggeriana |
+ |
Prickles straight; flowers 1–4; hip subglobose, pyriform, or ellipsoid. |
(62) |
62 (61) |
Branchlets often prickly and setose; leaflets abaxially pubescent; petals white. |
21 R. albertii |
+ |
Branchlets usually only prickly, rarely setose; leaflets abaxially glabrous or pubescent along veins; petals purple-red or pink. |
(63) |
63 (62) |
Leaflets 7–15, oblong or elliptic, abaxially along veins pubescent, margin usually simply serrate; hip ovoid or ellipsoid. |
22 R. prattii |
+ |
Leaflets 7–9, elliptic, obovate, or suborbicular, abaxially glabrous, margin usually simple serrate or doubly serrate at upper part; hip subglobose. |
23 R. willmottiae |
64 (60) |
Leaflets ca. 1.5 cm or less, apex usually obtuse; flowers solitary or a few in corymb. |
(65) |
+ |
Leaflets 1.5–7 cm, apex usually acute; flowers numerous, rarely a few in corymb, rarely solitary. |
(75) |
65 (64) |
Bracteoles 2 or 3 or more, suborbicular, ovate, or broadly ovate, apex rounded-obtuse or acute. |
(66) |
+ |
Bracteoles usually 1, rarely 2, ovate, apex shortly acuminate. |
(69) |
66 (65) |
Leaflets doubly serrate at margin; bracteoles suborbicular or ovate. |
(67) |
+ |
Leaflets simply serrate at margin; bracteoles ovate or broadly ovate. |
(68) |
67 (66) |
Sepals pinnately lobed; leaflets usually 5, rarely 7, abaxially densely glandular- pubescent. |
45 R. pinnatisepala |
+ |
Sepals undivided, leaflets 5–7, rarely 9, abaxially sparsely puberulous or glandular- pubescent. |
46 R. forrestiana |
68 (66) |
Flowers in corymb or panicle, 3–5 cm in diam.; leaflets 7–9. |
47 R. multibracteata |
+ |
Flower solitary, 2–2.5 cm in diam.; leaflets usually 5, rarely 3 or 7. |
48 R. calyptopoda |
69 (65) |
Pedicel shorter, 8–15 mm; leaflets abaxially puberulous or sparsely pubescent. |
(70) |
+ |
Pedicel longer, 15–30 mm; leaflets glabrous or abaxially along veins pubescent. |
(72) |
70 (69) |
Leaflets usually 7–9, suborbicular, obovate, or elliptic, abaxially puberulous, margin acutely serrate; petals pink; pedicel glandular-pubescent. |
51 R. giraldii |
+ |
Leaflets 3–5(–7), abaxially sparsely pubescent, margin obtusely serrate; petals white or pink; pedicel glandular-pubescent or not. |
(71) |
71 (70) |
Leaflets rhomboid-ovate or oblong, abaxially sparsely pubescent; margin obtusely serrate or crenate; petals white, before anthesis pink; pedicel not glandular- pubescent. |
49 R. pseudobanksiae |
+ |
Leaflets ovate or ovate-elliptic, abaxially sparsely pubescent and densely glandular; petals pink; pedicel glandular-pubescent. |
50 R. baiyushanensis |
72 (69) |
Leaflets abaxially glandular punctate, 5–7, oblong, margin doubly serrate; petals white; flower solitary, 3.5–4 cm in diam.; hip ovoid, glabrous. |
55 R. tibetica |
+ |
Leaflets abaxially not glandular punctate, 5–11, elliptic to obovate or suborbicular, margin simply serrate; petals pink, purple-red, or white; flowers 1 to several, 2–5 cm in diam.; hip subglobose or ovoid. |
(73) |
73 (72) |
Leaflets 7–15, broadly elliptic or ovate-elliptic, glabrous; petals pink or purple-red; flowers 1–3, 2–3.5 cm in diam. |
52 R. sertata |
+ |
Leaflets 5–9, suborbicular, obovate, or broadly elliptic; petals pinkish or white; flowers 1–4, 3–5 cm in diam. |
(74) |
74 (73) |
Petals pinkish; flowers 3.5–5 cm in diam.; hip subglobose or ovoid, glabrous, rarely glandular punctate; leaflets abaxially often pubescent. |
53 R. webbiana |
+ |
Petals white; flowers 3–4 cm in diam.; hip oblong or ovoid, densely glandular- pubescent; leaflets glabrous. |
54 R. fedtschenkoana |
75 (64) |
Flowers numerous in corymb. |
(76) |
+ |
Flowers solitary or few in corymb. |
(82) |
76 (75) |
Sepals pinnately lobed; leaflets 5–9, abaxially often glandular, glabrous or pubescent along veins, margin often glandular and doubly serrate. |
24 R. setipoda |
+ |
Sepals undivided; leaflets 3–11, abaxially puberulous, subglabrous or glabrous, margin simply serrate, or simple and doubly serrate. |
(77) |
77 (76) |
Branchlets prickly and setose; leaflets 7–9, abaxially puberulous, margin simply serrate; petals red; flowers in corymb. |
42 R. persetosa |
+ |
Branchlets usually only prickly, sometimes nearly not prickly; leaflets 3–11, abaxially pubescent, subglabrous, or glabrous, margin simple and/or doubly serrate; petals pink or red; flowers in umbel or corymb. |
(78) |
78 (77) |
Leaflets 3–5(–7), abaxially pubescent or glabrous, margin doubly serrate, or both simple and doubly serrate. |
25 R. corymbulosa |
+ |
Leaflets 7–11, abaxially glabrous, subglabrous, or densely pubescent, margin entire below middle or serrate. |
(79) |
79 (78) |
Leaflets abaxially glabrous or subglabrous; petals red. |
(80) |
+ |
Leaflets abaxially densely pubescent, at least along veins pubescent; petals pink. |
(81) |
80 (79) |
Leaflets 3–10 cm, margin serrate from base to apex; pedicel 1.5–4 cm, densely glandular-pubescent, rarely glabrous; flowers 3.5–6 cm in diam. |
26 R. caudata |
+ |
Leaflets 1–2.5 cm, margin entire below middle; pedicel 1.5–3 cm, glabrous or sparsely glandular-pubescent; flowers 2–3.5 cm in diam. |
52 R. sertata |
81 (79) |
Styles exserted, slightly shorter than stamens; receptacle glandular-pubescent, or sometimes puberulous. |
27 R. davidii |
+ |
Styles slightly exserted, much shorter than stamens; receptacle glabrous, rarely glandular-pubescent. |
28 R. banksiopsis |
82 (75) |
Stipules abaxially not prickly. |
(83) |
+ |
Stipules abaxially prickly. |
(88) |
83 (82) |
Branchlets and prickles tomentose; leaflets thick in texture, adaxially rugose. |
29 R. rugosa |
+ |
Branchlets and prickles glabrous; leaflets thinner in texture, not rugose. |
(84) |
84 (83) |
Leaflets abaxially glandular punctate; prickles straight, slender; hypanthium depressed globose or ovoid-globose. |
(85) |
+ |
Leaflets abaxially not glaucous, not glandular; prickles straight, weak, sometimes absent; hypanthium ellipsoid or oblong. |
(86) |
85 (84) |
Leaflets 7 or 9, abaxially glaucous, oblong or broadly lanceolate, margin simple or doubly serrate; hypanthium depressed globose. |
30 R. davurica |
+ |
Leaflets 5–9, abaxially not glaucous, ovate or elliptic, margin doubly serrate; hypanthium ovoid-globose. |
31 R. hezhangensis |
86 (84) |
Leaflets abaxially glabrous, margin partly doubly serrate; pedicel 1.5–2 cm. |
34 R. oxyacantha |
+ |
Leaflets abaxially puberulous or hirsute, margin simply serrate or sharply doubly serrate; pedicel 2–4 cm. |
(87) |
87 (86) |
Leaflets abaxially puberulous, margin simply serrate; pedicel 2–3.5 cm. |
32 R. acicularis |
+ |
Leaflets abaxially brown hirsute, margin sharply doubly serrate; pedicel 3–4 cm. |
33 R. fargesiana |
88 (82) |
Prickles hooked; leaflets 7–9, abaxially glabrous or puberulous; petals white or pink; flowers (1 or)3–6, pedicel glandular. |
35 R. laxa |
+ |
Prickles straight or absent; leaflets 7–11, abaxially glabrous, subglabrous, or pubescent; petals pink or red; flowers 1 to several; pedicel glandular-pubescent or not. |
(89) |
89 (88) |
Leaflets abaxially glabrous or subglabrous. |
(90) |
+ |
Leaflets abaxially pubescent, at least along veins. |
(92) |
90 (89) |
Leaflets 7, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 2.5–6.5 cm; petals dark red; flowers often solitary; pedicel 15–25(–30) mm, usually glabrous. |
36 R. saturata |
+ |
Leaflets 7–9(–11), elliptic or ovate, 1–3 cm; petals pink; flowers 1–3; pedicel 5–30 mm, densely glandular-pubescent or glabrous. |
(91) |
91 (90) |
Pedicel 5–10 mm, densely glandular-pubescent; leaflets 1–3 cm, apex acute or obtuse; flowers 2–5 cm in diam. |
37 R. bella |
+ |
Pedicel 1.5–3 cm, glabrous, rarely glandular-pubescent; leaflets 0.6–2.5 cm, apex rounded, obtuse, or acute; flowers 2–3.5 cm in diam. |
52 R. sertata |
92 (89) |
Leaflets 5, rarely 7 or 3, adaxially glabrous, abaxially pubescent or glandular, margin doubly serrate; petals pink; flowers solitary or several, 2.5–3 cm in diam.; pedicel 1.5–3 cm. |
38 R. chengkouensis |
+ |
Leaflets 7–13, adaxially glabrous, abaxially sparsely pubescent, not glandular, margin simple or doubly serrate; petals white, pink, or red; flowers 2 or more; pedicel to 1–4 cm. |
(93) |
93 (92) |
Flowers 2, fasciculate, pedicel shorter than 1 cm; stipules larger, hooked. |
39 R. sinobiflora |
+ |
Flowers often more than 2; pedicel 1–4 cm; stipules shorter, not hooked. |
(94) |
94 (93) |
Sepals pinnately lobed, often glandular-pubescent. |
(95) |
+ |
Sepals entire or pinnately lobed, not glandular-pubescent. |
(96) |
95 (94) |
Branches prickly and setose; leaflets 7–11, 2–5 cm, margin doubly serrate, rarely partly simply serrate; petals pink; flowers 3–5 cm in diam. |
40 R. sweginzowii |
+ |
Branches only prickly; leaflets 7–13, 1–5 cm, margin usually simply serrate; petals dark red; flowers 4–6 cm in diam. |
41 R. moyesii |
96 (94) |
Petals white or pinkish; branchlets prickly and bristly; leaflets 9–15, elliptic or oblong, 1–4.5 cm, abaxially along veins pubescent, margin simply serrate; flowers 2–3 cm in diam. |
44 R. murielae |
+ |
Petals rosy or red; branchlets densely setose or sparsely prickly or not prickly; leaflets 7–11, elliptic, ovate-elliptic, or oblong, abaxially glabrous, sparsely pubescent, or densely puberulous, margin simply serrate, rarely doubly serrate; flowers 2.5–5 cm in diam. |
(97) |
97 (96) |
Branchlets usually densely setose; leaflets 7–9(–11), elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 1.2–3 cm, abaxially glabrous or sparsely pubescent, margin simply serrate, rarely doubly serrate; flowers 2.5–3 cm in diam.; pedicel and receptacle glabrous. |
42 R. persetosa |
+ |
Branchlets usually sparsely prickly or not prickly; leaflets 9–11, oblong or elliptic-ovate, 2.5–6 cm, abaxially densely puberulous, margin simply serrate; flowers 3.5–5 cm in diam.; pedicel and receptacle densely glandular-pubescent, rarely glabrous. |
43 R. macrophylla |