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41. ROSA Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 491. 1753.

蔷薇属 qiang wei shu

Gu Cuizhi (Ku Tsue-chih); Kenneth R. Robertson

Rosa omeiensis

Credit: Harvard University Herbaria

Shrubs, erect, diffuse, or climbing, mostly prickly, bristly, or rarely unarmed, pubescent, glandular-pubescent, or glabrous. Leaves alternate, odd pinnate, rarely simple; stipules adnate or inserted at petiole, rarely absent. Flowers solitary or in a corymb, rarely in a compound corymb or a panicle; bracts solitary, several, or absent. Hypanthium globose, urceolate, or cupular, constricted at neck. Sepals 5, rarely 4, quincuncial: 2 outer, 2 inner, and 1 middle, margin entire or variously pinnately lobed. Petals 5, rarely 4, imbricate, white, yellow, pink, or red; disc inserted at mouth of hypanthium. Stamens numerous, in several whorls, inserted at disc. Carpels free, numerous, rarely few, inserted at margin or base of hypanthium, not or rarely stalked; ovule pendulous; styles terminal or lateral, exserted or not, free or connate at upper part. Fruit a hip, formed from fleshy hypanthium. Achenes numerous, rarely few, on adaxial surface of fleshy hypanthium, woody. Seed pendulous. x = 7.

About 200 species: widely distributed from subtropical to cold-temperate regions; 95 species (65 endemic) in China.

The following three species require further study. We are unable to treat them in this account because we have seen no specimens. Rosa atroglandulosa C. K. Schneider (Bot. Gaz. (Crawfordsville) 64: 75. 1917), described from Sichuan; R. beauvaisii Cardot (Notul. Syst. (Paris) 3: 261. 1916), described from N Vietnam, also reported for SW Guangxi (Longzhou Xian) (Kai Larsen, pers. comm.); and R. tunquinensis Crépin (Rosae Synst. 32. 1887), described from N Vietnam and China, also reported for Laos (Kai Larsen, pers. comm.).

Several species and hybrids are cultivated in China. The following occur in addition to those mentioned below: Rosa ×alba Linnaeus (of uncertain parentage), R. centifolia Linnaeus, R. damascena Miller, R. ×fortuneana Lindley (probably R. banksiae × R. laevigata), and R. gallica Linnaeus.

Key based mainly on fertile characters

1 Leaves simple, exstipulate; flower solitary; petals yellow (1. R. subgen. Hulthemia).   1 R. berberifolia
+ Leaves compound, stipulate, flowers solitary to many; petals various shades of white, yellow, pink, or red (2. R. subgen. Rosa).   (2)
2 (1) Hypanthium depressed-globose; achenes inserted at projecting torus at base of hypanthium; styles free, not exserted (8. R. sect. Microphyllae).   (3)
+ Hypanthium globose to urceolate, rarely depressed-globose; achenes inserted at walls and flat base of hypanthium; styles free or connate into a column, exserted or not.   (5)
3 (2) Leaflets pubescent on both surfaces; sepals entire; petals red; flowers 8–9 cm in diam.   95 R. praelucens
+ Leaflets glabrous; sepals pinnately lobed; petals reddish, pink, or white; flowers 2.5–6 cm in diam.   (4)
4 (3) Petals reddish or pink; flowers solitary, or 2 or 3 and fasciculate, 4–6 cm in diam.   93 R. roxburghii
+ Petals white; flowers 7–17 in corymb, 2.5–3 cm in diam.   94 R. kweichowensis
5 (2) Stipules free or nearly free from petioles, caducous.   (6)
+ Stipules adnate to petioles, persistent.   (9)
6 (5) Branchlets tomentose; leaflets (5–)7–9, stipules pectinate; flower solitary, or 2 or 3 and fasciculate, with large pectinate bracts; styles slightly exserted (7. R. sect. Bracteatae).   92 R. bracteata
+ Branchlets glabrous; leaflets 3–5, stipules dentate or subulate; flowers solitary or numerous, with smaller bracts; styles not exserted.   (7)
7 (6) Pedicel and hypanthium densely glandular bristly; flowers large, solitary; petals white; stipules dentate (6. R. sect. Laevigatae).   91 R. laevigata
+ Pedicel and hypanthium not glandular bristly; flowers small, numerous in corymb; petals yellow or white; stipules subulate (5. R. sect. Banksianae).   (8)
8 (7) Flowers in simple umbels or corymbs; sepals entire.   89 R. banksiae
+ Flowers in compound corymbs; sepals pinnately lobed.   90 R. cymosa
9 (5) Styles exserted, free or connate into a column, slightly shorter than or nearly equaling stamens.   (10)
+ Styles free, not exserted or only slightly so, shorter than stamens.   (41)
10 (9) Styles free, slightly shorter than stamens; leaflets often 3–5 (3. R. sect. Chinenses).   (11)
+ Styles connate into a column, nearly equaling stamens; leaflets 5–9 (4. R. sect. Synstylae).   (13)
11 (10) Shrub; leaflets 3–5; stipules glandular-pubescent at margin; flowers 4 or 5, rarely solitary, slightly fragrant or not; sepals often pinnately lobed; hip ovoid or pyriform.   56 R. chinensis
+ Liana; stipules not glandular or only glandular at margin of free part; flowers 1–3, fragrant; sepals entire or slightly incised; hip depressed globose, pyriform, or obovoid.   (12)
12 (11) Branchlets sparsely hooked prickly; leaflets 5–9; petals pinkish, yellow, or white; flowers 1–3, 5–10 cm in diam., very fragrant; hip depressed globose.   57 R. odorata
+ Branchlets prickly, setose; leaflets 3(–5); petals purple-red; flower solitary, 3–3.5 cm in diam.; hip pyriform or obovoid.   58 R. lucidissima
13 (10) Stipules pectinate or irregularly serrate at margin.   (14)
+ Stipules entire at margin, often glandular-pubescent.   (27)
14 (13) Leaflets 3 or 5(or 7).   (15)
+ Leaflets (5 or)7 or 9.   (17)
15 (14) Leaflets usually 3, ovate-lanceolate; petals pink.   73 R. anemoniflora
+ Leaflets usually 5, rarely 3 or 7; petals white.   (16)
16 (15) Leaflets 4–8 × 1.5–3 cm; flowers 2.5–3.5 cm in diam.   67 R. sambucina var. pubescens
+ Leaflets 1.5–3.6 × 0.8–1.5 cm; flowers ca. 2.5 cm in diam.   68 R. taiwanensis
17 (14) Stipules pectinate at margin.   (18)
+ Stipules irregularly serrate, rarely pectinate at margin.   (22)
18 (17) Styles and leaflets densely pubescent.   63 R. kunmingensis
+ Styles glabrous; leaflets pubescent on both surfaces or only abaxially sparsely pubescent or subglabrous.   (19)
19 (18) Flower solitary; leaflets not exceeding 1 cm, both surfaces pubescent.   62 R. uniflorella
+ Flowers numerous in panicle; leaflets (1.3–)1.5–5 cm, only abaxially sparsely pubescent or subglabrous.   (20)
20 (19) Leaflets doubly serrate at margin; sepals pinnately lobed, lobules linear, abaxially glandular-pubescent.   61 R. daishanensis
+ Leaflets usually simply serrate at margin; sepals 2-lobed usually at middle part, abaxially glabrous.   (21)
21 (20) Leaflets 7 or 9, rhomboid-elliptic, base cuneate, margin deeply serrate; sepals entire at margin.   59 R. langyashanica
+ Leaflets 5–9, obovate, oblong, or ovate, base rounded or broadly cuneate, margin shallowly serrate; sepals usually 2-lobed, sometimes entire at margin.   60 R. multiflora
22 (17) Leaflets abaxially densely villous; styles pubescent.   (23)
+ Leaflets abaxially glabrous or subglabrous; styles pubescent or not.   (24)
23 (22) Petals white; flowers 1.5–3 cm in diam., in corymb; pedicel and hypanthium densely pubescent and glandular-pubescent; leaflets adaxially pubescent along veins.   64 R. kwangtungensis
+ Petals pink; flowers 2.5–3 cm in diam., in umbel-like corymb; pedicel and hypanthium glabrous or sparsely glandular-pubescent; leaflets adaxially glabrous.   65 R. lichiangensis
24 (22) Styles glabrous.   72 R. maximowicziana
+ Styles pubescent.   (25)
25 (24) Flowers double, numerous in panicle.   71 R. miyiensis
+ Flowers with 5 petals, usually numerous in corymbs.   (26)
26 (25) Shrub prostrate, sprawling, or procumbent; pedicel and hypanthium glabrous.   70 R. lucieae
+ Shrub erect; pedicel and hypanthium glandular and sparsely pubescent.   69 R. pricei
27 (13) Leaflets pubescent on both surfaces or only abaxially.   (28)
+ Leaflets glabrous or sparsely pubescent abaxially along veins.   (31)
28 (27) Leaflets thicker in texture, adaxially rugose, abaxially densely gray-white pubescent, with prominent veins.   75 R. glomerata
+ Leaflets thinner in texture, adaxially not rugose, abaxially sparsely pubescent or along veins more densely pubescent.   (29)
29 (28) Leaflets usually 5; sepals usually entire.   76 R. rubus
+ Leaflets 7–9, often fewer just below inflorescence; sepals often with lateral lobes.   (30)
30 (29) Inflorescences umbel-like.   77 R. helenae
+ Inflorescences compound corymbs.   74 R. brunonii
31 (27) Leaflets leathery, lucid, abaxially glabrous or sparsely pubescent; petals abaxially sericeous.   (32)
+ Leaflets not leathery, not lucid; petals abaxially glabrous.   (33)
32 (31) Leaflets 5–9, 3–7 × 1–3.5 cm; sepals 0.8–1.2 cm, both surfaces glandular-pubescent; flowers in corymb.   78 R. longicuspis
+ Leaflets 3–5, 7–12 × 3–6 cm; sepals 1.5–2 cm, both surfaces densely whitish tomentose, not glandular; flowers in compound corymb.   79 R. lasiosepala
33 (31) Leaflets 3–5.   (34)
+ Leaflets (5–)7(–9).   (36)
34 (33) Leaflets 3.5–9 cm, abaxially not glandular, margin simply serrate.   86 R. henryi
+ Leaflets smaller, less than 2.5 cm, abaxially glandular, margin doubly serrate.   (35)
35 (34) Leaflets 8–15 mm, apex rounded-obtuse or truncate; flowers solitary, or 2 or 3 and fasciculate.   87 R. duplicata
+ Leaflets larger, 12–25 mm, apex acute or shortly acuminate; flowers 5–10, in corymb.   88 R. weisiensis
36 (33) Leaflets abaxially glandular, larger.   (37)
+ Leaflets abaxially not glandular, smaller.   (39)
37 (36) Leaflets obovate, 7–10 × 5–8 mm, margin doubly serrate, teeth apically glandular.   80 R. deqenensis
+ Leaflets ovate, elliptic, or ovate-oblong, larger, margin simply serrate, teeth not apically glandular.   (38)
38 (37) Leaflets oblong-ovate or lanceolate, 4–7 cm, pedicel 2–3 cm.   81 R. filipes
+ Leaflets elliptic or ovate, 3–6 cm; pedicel 1.5–1.8 cm.   82 R. ludingensis
39 (36) Leaflets 5(or 7); styles glabrous.   83 R. derongensis
+ Leaflets usually 7; styles pubescent.   (40)
40 (39) Pedicel longer, 2–2.5 cm, and hypanthium, sepals abaxially glandular.   84 R. shangchengensis
+ Pedicel shorter, not exceeding 1 cm, and hypanthium, sepals usually glabrous, occasionally glandular.   85 R. soulieana
41 (9) Flowers solitary, rarely several, ebracteate (1. R. sect. Pimpinellifoliae).   (42)
+ Flowers numerous in corymb or solitary, bracteate (2. R. sect. Cinnamomeae).   (60)
42 (41) Sepals and petals 5.   (43)
+ Sepals and petals 4.   (54)
43 (42) Flowering branches densely bristly and prickly, rarely without bristles.   (44)
+ Flowering branches only prickly, rarely bristly.   (47)
44 (43) Leaflets doubly serrate at margin, glandular abaxially.   5 R. kokanica
+ Leaflets simply serrate at margin, or both simply serrate and doubly serrate on same plant, not glandular punctate abaxially.   (45)
45 (44) Leaflets 7–11(–15), elliptic, obovate-elliptic, or oblong-elliptic.   4 R. koreana
+ Leaflets 7–9, rarely 5 or 11, oblong, oblong-ovate, suborbicular, ovate, or elliptic.   (46)
46 (45) Leaflets oblong, oblong-ovate, or suborbicular, 1–2.2 cm; flowers 2–6 cm in diam.; hip black or dark brown, subglobose.   2 R. spinosissima
+ Leaflets ovate or elliptic, 5–18 mm; flowers 1.5–2 cm in diam.; hip deep red, ellipsoid or ovoid-oblong.   3 R. farreri
47 (43) Petals white, pinkish, or red.   (48)
+ Petals yellow.   (50)
48 (47) Leaflets 3–7, elliptic or oblong, margin simply serrate; stipules lanceolate, filiform dissected, glandular dentate; petals white; flowers 1.8–2.5 cm in diam.; sepals ovate; pedicel ca. 1.5 cm, glandular or not.   66 R. transmorrisonensis
+ Leaflets 9–13, ovate or elliptic, margin doubly serrate; stipules broadly oblanceolate, glandular-pubescent; petals pink or white; flowers 2.5–4 cm in diam.; sepals ovate- lanceolate or triangular-lanceolate; pedicel 1.5–3 cm, glandular-pubescent or glabrous.   (49)
49 (48) Leaflets (7–)9–11; petals pink or red; pedicel glandular-pubescent or glabrous.   11 R. graciliflora
+ Leaflets 11–13; petals white; pedicel glabrous, but sparsely glandular-pubescent.   12 R. tsinglingensis
50 (47) Leaflets doubly serrate, abaxially glandular.   (51)
+ Leaflets simply serrate, abaxially not glandular.   (52)
51 (50) Leaflets 9–15, rarely 7, elliptic, elliptic-ovate, or long elliptic, abaxially glabrous; petals yellowish or yellow-white; flowers 2.5–4 cm in diam.; sepals apically acuminate.   9 R. primula
+ Leaflets 5–9, rarely 11, broadly ovate or obovate, abaxially pubescent; petals yellow; flowers double, 4–6.5 cm in diam.; sepals leaflike.   10 R. foetida var. persiana
52 (50) Leaflets 5–9, suborbicular, obovate, or elliptic, glabrous, margin serrate at upper part, entire near base.   6 R. platyacantha
+ Leaflets 5–13, ovate, elliptic, obovate, or suborbicular, pubescent or glabrous, margin serrate from base to apex.   (53)
53 (52) Leaflets ovate, elliptic, or obovate, glabrous, margin acutely serrate or entire; flowers 4–5.5 cm in diam.; branches sometimes bristly at base.   7 R. hugonis
+ Leaflets broadly ovate or suborbicular, rarely elliptic, abaxially sparsely pubescent, margin obtusely serrate or crenate; flowers 3–4(–5) cm in diam.; branches not bristly at base.   8 R. xanthina
54 (42) Leaflets abaxially glandular or at least margin doubly glandular serrate.   (55)
+ Leaflets abaxially not glandular, margin simply serrate.   (56)
55 (54) Leaflets oblong or obovate, abaxially glandular, adaxially glabrous or pilose; hip subglobose, abaxially glandular.   18 R. sikangensis
+ Leaflets obovate, adaxially densely pubescent, abaxially glabrous, glandular only along veins; hip obovoid, abaxially not glandular.   19 R. zhongdianensis
56 (54) Fruiting pedicel turgid.   (57)
+ Fruiting pedicel not turgid.   (58)
57 (56) Leaflets 7–9(–13), oblong or oblong-obovate, abaxially glabrous, shortly bristly, margin only near apex serrate; petals yellowish; hip orange-yellow, obconic.   13 R. taronensis
+ Leaflets 9–17, oblong or elliptic-oblong, abaxially glabrous or puberulous along midvein, margin serrate from base to apex; petals white; hip red or yellow, obovoid or pyriform.   14 R. omeiensis
58 (56) Leaflets glabrous on both surfaces, 7–11, oblong or broadly obovate; hip pyriform or obovoid.   15 R. morrisonensis
+ Leaflets abaxially densely pubescent, 5–13, ovate, obovate, or oblong-obovate; hip globose, obovoid, or obovoid-globose.   (59)
59 (58) Leaflets 7–11(–13), ovate, obovate, or obovate-oblong, adaxially glabrous, abaxially sericeous; hip globose or obovoid, 8–15 mm in diam.   16 R. sericea
+ Leaflets 5–9(–11), oblong-obovate, both surfaces sericeous; hip obovoid-globose, ca. 1 cm in diam.   17 R. mairei
60 (41) Apical part of hypanthium with sepals, disc, and styles deciduous at fruit ripening.   (61)
+ Apical part of hypanthium and sepals, disc, and styles not deciduous at fruit ripening.   (64)
61 (60) Prickles hooked; flowers numerous in corymb or panicle; hip globose.   20 R. beggeriana
+ Prickles straight; flowers 1–4; hip subglobose, pyriform, or ellipsoid.   (62)
62 (61) Branchlets often prickly and setose; leaflets abaxially pubescent; petals white.   21 R. albertii
+ Branchlets usually only prickly, rarely setose; leaflets abaxially glabrous or pubescent along veins; petals purple-red or pink.   (63)
63 (62) Leaflets 7–15, oblong or elliptic, abaxially along veins pubescent, margin usually simply serrate; hip ovoid or ellipsoid.   22 R. prattii
+ Leaflets 7–9, elliptic, obovate, or suborbicular, abaxially glabrous, margin usually simple serrate or doubly serrate at upper part; hip subglobose.   23 R. willmottiae
64 (60) Leaflets ca. 1.5 cm or less, apex usually obtuse; flowers solitary or a few in corymb.   (65)
+ Leaflets 1.5–7 cm, apex usually acute; flowers numerous, rarely a few in corymb, rarely solitary.   (75)
65 (64) Bracteoles 2 or 3 or more, suborbicular, ovate, or broadly ovate, apex rounded-obtuse or acute.   (66)
+ Bracteoles usually 1, rarely 2, ovate, apex shortly acuminate.   (69)
66 (65) Leaflets doubly serrate at margin; bracteoles suborbicular or ovate.   (67)
+ Leaflets simply serrate at margin; bracteoles ovate or broadly ovate.   (68)
67 (66) Sepals pinnately lobed; leaflets usually 5, rarely 7, abaxially densely glandular- pubescent.   45 R. pinnatisepala
+ Sepals undivided, leaflets 5–7, rarely 9, abaxially sparsely puberulous or glandular- pubescent.   46 R. forrestiana
68 (66) Flowers in corymb or panicle, 3–5 cm in diam.; leaflets 7–9.   47 R. multibracteata
+ Flower solitary, 2–2.5 cm in diam.; leaflets usually 5, rarely 3 or 7.   48 R. calyptopoda
69 (65) Pedicel shorter, 8–15 mm; leaflets abaxially puberulous or sparsely pubescent.   (70)
+ Pedicel longer, 15–30 mm; leaflets glabrous or abaxially along veins pubescent.   (72)
70 (69) Leaflets usually 7–9, suborbicular, obovate, or elliptic, abaxially puberulous, margin acutely serrate; petals pink; pedicel glandular-pubescent.   51 R. giraldii
+ Leaflets 3–5(–7), abaxially sparsely pubescent, margin obtusely serrate; petals white or pink; pedicel glandular-pubescent or not.   (71)
71 (70) Leaflets rhomboid-ovate or oblong, abaxially sparsely pubescent; margin obtusely serrate or crenate; petals white, before anthesis pink; pedicel not glandular- pubescent.   49 R. pseudobanksiae
+ Leaflets ovate or ovate-elliptic, abaxially sparsely pubescent and densely glandular; petals pink; pedicel glandular-pubescent.   50 R. baiyushanensis
72 (69) Leaflets abaxially glandular punctate, 5–7, oblong, margin doubly serrate; petals white; flower solitary, 3.5–4 cm in diam.; hip ovoid, glabrous.   55 R. tibetica
+ Leaflets abaxially not glandular punctate, 5–11, elliptic to obovate or suborbicular, margin simply serrate; petals pink, purple-red, or white; flowers 1 to several, 2–5 cm in diam.; hip subglobose or ovoid.   (73)
73 (72) Leaflets 7–15, broadly elliptic or ovate-elliptic, glabrous; petals pink or purple-red; flowers 1–3, 2–3.5 cm in diam.   52 R. sertata
+ Leaflets 5–9, suborbicular, obovate, or broadly elliptic; petals pinkish or white; flowers 1–4, 3–5 cm in diam.   (74)
74 (73) Petals pinkish; flowers 3.5–5 cm in diam.; hip subglobose or ovoid, glabrous, rarely glandular punctate; leaflets abaxially often pubescent.   53 R. webbiana
+ Petals white; flowers 3–4 cm in diam.; hip oblong or ovoid, densely glandular- pubescent; leaflets glabrous.   54 R. fedtschenkoana
75 (64) Flowers numerous in corymb.   (76)
+ Flowers solitary or few in corymb.   (82)
76 (75) Sepals pinnately lobed; leaflets 5–9, abaxially often glandular, glabrous or pubescent along veins, margin often glandular and doubly serrate.   24 R. setipoda
+ Sepals undivided; leaflets 3–11, abaxially puberulous, subglabrous or glabrous, margin simply serrate, or simple and doubly serrate.   (77)
77 (76) Branchlets prickly and setose; leaflets 7–9, abaxially puberulous, margin simply serrate; petals red; flowers in corymb.   42 R. persetosa
+ Branchlets usually only prickly, sometimes nearly not prickly; leaflets 3–11, abaxially pubescent, subglabrous, or glabrous, margin simple and/or doubly serrate; petals pink or red; flowers in umbel or corymb.   (78)
78 (77) Leaflets 3–5(–7), abaxially pubescent or glabrous, margin doubly serrate, or both simple and doubly serrate.   25 R. corymbulosa
+ Leaflets 7–11, abaxially glabrous, subglabrous, or densely pubescent, margin entire below middle or serrate.   (79)
79 (78) Leaflets abaxially glabrous or subglabrous; petals red.   (80)
+ Leaflets abaxially densely pubescent, at least along veins pubescent; petals pink.   (81)
80 (79) Leaflets 3–10 cm, margin serrate from base to apex; pedicel 1.5–4 cm, densely glandular-pubescent, rarely glabrous; flowers 3.5–6 cm in diam.   26 R. caudata
+ Leaflets 1–2.5 cm, margin entire below middle; pedicel 1.5–3 cm, glabrous or sparsely glandular-pubescent; flowers 2–3.5 cm in diam.   52 R. sertata
81 (79) Styles exserted, slightly shorter than stamens; receptacle glandular-pubescent, or sometimes puberulous.   27 R. davidii
+ Styles slightly exserted, much shorter than stamens; receptacle glabrous, rarely glandular-pubescent.   28 R. banksiopsis
82 (75) Stipules abaxially not prickly.   (83)
+ Stipules abaxially prickly.   (88)
83 (82) Branchlets and prickles tomentose; leaflets thick in texture, adaxially rugose.   29 R. rugosa
+ Branchlets and prickles glabrous; leaflets thinner in texture, not rugose.   (84)
84 (83) Leaflets abaxially glandular punctate; prickles straight, slender; hypanthium depressed globose or ovoid-globose.   (85)
+ Leaflets abaxially not glaucous, not glandular; prickles straight, weak, sometimes absent; hypanthium ellipsoid or oblong.   (86)
85 (84) Leaflets 7 or 9, abaxially glaucous, oblong or broadly lanceolate, margin simple or doubly serrate; hypanthium depressed globose.   30 R. davurica
+ Leaflets 5–9, abaxially not glaucous, ovate or elliptic, margin doubly serrate; hypanthium ovoid-globose.   31 R. hezhangensis
86 (84) Leaflets abaxially glabrous, margin partly doubly serrate; pedicel 1.5–2 cm.   34 R. oxyacantha
+ Leaflets abaxially puberulous or hirsute, margin simply serrate or sharply doubly serrate; pedicel 2–4 cm.   (87)
87 (86) Leaflets abaxially puberulous, margin simply serrate; pedicel 2–3.5 cm.   32 R. acicularis
+ Leaflets abaxially brown hirsute, margin sharply doubly serrate; pedicel 3–4 cm.   33 R. fargesiana
88 (82) Prickles hooked; leaflets 7–9, abaxially glabrous or puberulous; petals white or pink; flowers (1 or)3–6, pedicel glandular.   35 R. laxa
+ Prickles straight or absent; leaflets 7–11, abaxially glabrous, subglabrous, or pubescent; petals pink or red; flowers 1 to several; pedicel glandular-pubescent or not.   (89)
89 (88) Leaflets abaxially glabrous or subglabrous.   (90)
+ Leaflets abaxially pubescent, at least along veins.   (92)
90 (89) Leaflets 7, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 2.5–6.5 cm; petals dark red; flowers often solitary; pedicel 15–25(–30) mm, usually glabrous.   36 R. saturata
+ Leaflets 7–9(–11), elliptic or ovate, 1–3 cm; petals pink; flowers 1–3; pedicel 5–30 mm, densely glandular-pubescent or glabrous.   (91)
91 (90) Pedicel 5–10 mm, densely glandular-pubescent; leaflets 1–3 cm, apex acute or obtuse; flowers 2–5 cm in diam.   37 R. bella
+ Pedicel 1.5–3 cm, glabrous, rarely glandular-pubescent; leaflets 0.6–2.5 cm, apex rounded, obtuse, or acute; flowers 2–3.5 cm in diam.   52 R. sertata
92 (89) Leaflets 5, rarely 7 or 3, adaxially glabrous, abaxially pubescent or glandular, margin doubly serrate; petals pink; flowers solitary or several, 2.5–3 cm in diam.; pedicel 1.5–3 cm.   38 R. chengkouensis
+ Leaflets 7–13, adaxially glabrous, abaxially sparsely pubescent, not glandular, margin simple or doubly serrate; petals white, pink, or red; flowers 2 or more; pedicel to 1–4 cm.   (93)
93 (92) Flowers 2, fasciculate, pedicel shorter than 1 cm; stipules larger, hooked.   39 R. sinobiflora
+ Flowers often more than 2; pedicel 1–4 cm; stipules shorter, not hooked.   (94)
94 (93) Sepals pinnately lobed, often glandular-pubescent.   (95)
+ Sepals entire or pinnately lobed, not glandular-pubescent.   (96)
95 (94) Branches prickly and setose; leaflets 7–11, 2–5 cm, margin doubly serrate, rarely partly simply serrate; petals pink; flowers 3–5 cm in diam.   40 R. sweginzowii
+ Branches only prickly; leaflets 7–13, 1–5 cm, margin usually simply serrate; petals dark red; flowers 4–6 cm in diam.   41 R. moyesii
96 (94) Petals white or pinkish; branchlets prickly and bristly; leaflets 9–15, elliptic or oblong, 1–4.5 cm, abaxially along veins pubescent, margin simply serrate; flowers 2–3 cm in diam.   44 R. murielae
+ Petals rosy or red; branchlets densely setose or sparsely prickly or not prickly; leaflets 7–11, elliptic, ovate-elliptic, or oblong, abaxially glabrous, sparsely pubescent, or densely puberulous, margin simply serrate, rarely doubly serrate; flowers 2.5–5 cm in diam.   (97)
97 (96) Branchlets usually densely setose; leaflets 7–9(–11), elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 1.2–3 cm, abaxially glabrous or sparsely pubescent, margin simply serrate, rarely doubly serrate; flowers 2.5–3 cm in diam.; pedicel and receptacle glabrous.   42 R. persetosa
+ Branchlets usually sparsely prickly or not prickly; leaflets 9–11, oblong or elliptic-ovate, 2.5–6 cm, abaxially densely puberulous, margin simply serrate; flowers 3.5–5 cm in diam.; pedicel and receptacle densely glandular-pubescent, rarely glabrous.   43 R. macrophylla

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