20. Rubus eucalyptus Focke, Biblioth. Bot. 17(Heft 72): 169. 1911.
桉叶悬钩子 an ye xuan gou zi
Shrubs 1.5–4 m tall. Branchlets dark purplish brown or brown, glabrous, with sparse, curved robust prickles; flowering shoots short, pubescent, stipitate glandular, with curved prickles. Leaves imparipinnate, 3–5(or 7)-foliolate; petiole 5–8 cm, petiolule of terminal leaflet 1–2.5 cm, lateral leaflets subsessile, petiolules and rachis sparsely pubescent, stipitate glandular, with needle-like prickles; stipules linear, 6–9 mm, pubescent, with intermixed glandular hairs; terminal leaflet blade ovate, rhombic-ovate, or rhombic-lanceolate, lateral blade of leaflets rhombic-ovate or elliptic, 2–6(–8) × 1.5–4(–5) cm, abaxially densely gray tomentose, adaxially glabrous, base broadly cuneate to rounded, rarely subcordate, margin irregularly coarsely serrate or incised-doubly serrate, sometimes 3-lobed on terminal leaflet, often acuminate, but acute on lateral leaflets. Inflorescences terminal, rarely axillary, 1- or 2-flowered; bracts linear, 5–7 mm, pubescent, with intermixed glandular hairs. Pedicel 2–4(–5) cm, pubescent, with stalked glands and needle-like prickles. Flowers 1.5–2 cm in diam. Calyx abaxially ± pubescent, with stalked glands and needle-like prickles; sepals spreading, rarely reflexed in fruit, ovate-lanceolate or triangular-lanceolate, 1–1.5(–2) cm × 4–6 mm, apex caudate, margin gray tomentose. Petals white, spatulate, 7–8 × 3–4 mm, shorter than sepals, base broadly clawed, apex obtuse. Stamens numerous, shorter than petals; filaments linear. Pistils longer than stamens; basal part of style and apical part of ovary densely long gray tomentose. Aggregate fruit red at maturity, subglobose, 1.2–2 cm in diam., densely long gray tomentose; pyrenes rugulose. Fl. Apr–May, fr. Jun–Jul.
Mixed forests, thickets, bamboo thickets, grasslands, ravines, valleys; 1000--3400 m. Gansu, Guizhou, Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan, NE Yunnan.
1 |
Leaflets at first tomentose, glabrescent abaxially, subglabrous when old; branchlets, petioles, pedicels, and abaxial surface of calyx with sparse, glandular hairs; leaves 3–5-foliolate. |
20d var. etomentosus |
+ |
Leaflet persistently tomentose abaxially; branchlets, petioles, pedicels, and abaxial surface of calyx with sparse, glandular hairs or not; leaves 3–7 foliolate. |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Branchlets, petioles, pedicel, and abaxial surface of calyx without glandular hairs. |
20c var. trullisatus |
+ |
Branchlets, petioles, pedicel, and abaxial surface of calyx with glandular hairs. |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Leaves 3–5-foliolate, sepals 1–1.5 cm. |
20a var. eucalyptus |
+ |
Leaves 7-foliolate; sepals 1.5–2 cm. |
20b var. yunnanensis |
Lower Taxa
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