129. Rubus hunanensis Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sin. 7: 497. 1933.
湖南悬钩子 hu nan xuan gou zi
Rubus buergeri Miquel var. viridifolius Handel-Mazzetti.
Shrubs climbing, 0.3–2 m tall. Branchlets slender, densely thinly pubescent, with sparse, curved minute prickles. Leaves simple; petiole 6–9 cm, densely thinly pubescent, with sparse, curved minute prickles; stipules free, brown, to 1 cm, stipules caducous or partly persistent, on sterile branchlets to 1.8 cm, nearly palmately or pinnately lobed, lobes linear, thinly pubescent; blade suborbicular or broadly ovate, 8–13 cm in diam., palmately 5-veined, lateral veins 2 or 3 pairs, raised abaxially, abaxially tomentose, intermixed thinly pubescent, hairs gradually deciduous, adaxially thinly pubescent when young, both surfaces subglabrescent, base deeply cordate, margin 5–7-lobed; lobes unevenly sharply serrate, apex acute, rarely obtuse. Inflorescences terminal, short subracemes, or several flowers in leaf axils; rachis and pedicels densely gray thinly pubescent; bracts similar to stipules, but smaller. Pedicel 5–10 mm. Flowers 7–10 mm in diam. Calyx abaxially densely gray to yellowish gray pubescent and tomentose; sepals erect after anthesis, broadly ovate, 6–8 × 4–7 mm, apex acute to shortly acuminate; outer sepals larger, pinnately laciniate, lobes linear-lanceolate, inner sepals smaller, usually undivided. Petals white, obovate, glabrous. Stamens shorter; filaments linear, glabrous. Pistils nearly as long as stamens, glabrous. Aggregate fruit yellowish red, semiglobose, glabrous, enclosed in persistent calyx; pyrenes rugulose. Fl. Jul–Aug, fr. Sep–Oct.
Montane valleys, forests, grasslands; 300--2500 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Zhejiang.
Further study is required to determine the identity of Rubus pseudoacer Makino var. flexuosus Y. C. Liu & F. Y. Lu (Quart. J. Chin. Forest. 9(2): 133. 1976; R. pseudoacer subsp. flexuosus (T. S. Liu & F. Y. Lu) H. Ohashi & C. F. Hsieh), described from Taiwan, which might be synonymous with R. hunanensis.