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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Albizia

6. Albizia lucidior (Steudel) I. C. Nielsen ex H. Hara, Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal. 2: 104. 1979.

光叶合欢 guang ye he huan

Inga lucidior Steudel, Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 810. 1840; Albizia bracteata Dunn; A. lucida Bentham; A. meyeri Ricker; Mimosa lucida Roxburgh (1832), not Vahl (1807).

Trees, 8-20 m tall. Branchlets glabrous, angulate. Stipules inconspicuous; pinnae 1-3 pairs, with a gland near base of peti­ole and between uppermost pinnae; petiolules ca. 3 mm; leaflets 1-6 pairs, elliptic, oblong, or obliquely obovate, 5-11 × 1.5-6 cm, both surfaces glabrous or puberulent, midvein central, base attenuate to subrounded, apex acute, acuminate, or obtuse, some­times mucronate. Heads arranged in terminal or axillary pani­cles. Calyx campanulate, 1.5-3 mm. Corolla funnel-shaped, 6-7 mm; lobes lanceolate, ca. 4 mm. Stamens numerous; tube 3-4 mm. Ovary glabrous. Legume dehiscent, brownish, straight, lig­ulate, 10-30 × 2-4.5 cm. Seeds 4-9, brown, orbicular, 8-9 mm in diam. Fl. Apr-Jun, fr. Sep-Nov.

Secondary forests, thickets; 600-1900 m. Guangxi, Guizhou, Tai­wan, Yunnan [S to SE Asia].

This species is grown as an ornamental.


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