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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 12 | Malvaceae | Abelmoschus

2. Abelmoschus crinitus Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 39. 1830.

长毛黄葵 chang mao huang kui

Abelmoschus cancellatus Voigt; A. hainanensis S. Y. Hu; Hibiscus bodinieri H. Léveillé; H. cancellatus Roxburgh ex G. Don (1831), not Linnaeus (1775); H. cavaleriei H. Léveillé; H. crinitus (Wallich) G. Don.

Herbs perennial, 0.5-2 m tall, entire plant long yellow setose (hairs 5-6 mm) and minutely gray puberulent. Stipules filiform, 1.5-4 cm; petiole 4-12 cm; leaf blades on proximal part of stem orbicular, ca. 9 cm in diam., 5-lobed, those on mid stem cordate, those on distal part of stem sagittate, 4-15 cm, hirsute with long hairs on both surfaces, sparsely hispid or stellate hispid with long hairs on veins. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, a 3-9-flowered raceme. Pedicel 1-1.5(-2.5) cm. Epicalyx lobes 10-20, filiform, 10-35 × 1-2 mm, densely yellow, long hirsute. Calyx spathaceous, longer than epicalyx, simple-pubescent, also yellow setose toward apex, lobes linear. Corolla yellow, ca. 13 cm in diam.; petals 5-8 cm. Staminal column ca. 2 cm. Style branches 5; stigma flat. Capsule subglobose, 3-4 × ca. 3 cm, densely hirsute with yellow and long hairs. Seeds many, reniform, verrucose. Fl. May-Sep.

Grassy slopes; 300-1300 m. Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Yunnan [India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam].

This species is easily distinguished from other species by its long yellow hairs and many filiform epicalyx lobes.


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