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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 14 | Apiaceae | Heracleum

28. Heracleum candicans Wallich ex de Candolle, Prodr. 4: 192. 1830.

白亮独活 bai liang du huo

Plants 40–100(–200) cm tall, pubescent or tomentose. Root stout, cylindrical. Stem solitary, branched. Basal and lower leaves pinnate; pinnae 2–3 pairs, ovate-oblong, 5–7(–20) × 3–5 cm, pinnatifid, abaxially silvery, densely white tomentose, margins serrate, apex mucronate or obtuse. Upper leaves reduced, sessile, 3-lobed on expanded sheaths. Peduncles 15–30 cm, pubescent; bracts 1–3, linear, caducous; rays 15–25(–35), unequal, 3–7(–10) cm, pubescent; bracteoles 5–8, linear; umbellules 20–25-flowered. Calyx teeth minute. Petals white, outer flowers of umbels radiant. Fruit obovoid, 5–8(–10) × 4–6 mm, glabrous when mature; vittae solitary in each furrow, 2 on commissure, clavate, extending to 2/3 length of mericarp. Seed face plane. Fl. May–Jul, fr. Aug–Sep. 2n = 22*.

Sparse forests, coniferous forest margins, scrub, alpine meadows, arid grassy slopes, streamsides; 1800–4500 m. W Sichuan, E and S Xizang, C and N Yunnan [Bhutan, N India, Kashmir, Nepal, Pakistan, Sikkim].

This species is very variable, particularly in the size and dissection of the leaves and the shape of the leaflets.

1 Pinnae ovate-oblong, apex mucronate or obtuse.   28a var. candicans
+ Pinnae ovate, broad-ovate or rotund, apex obtuse.   28b var. obtusifolium

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