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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 15 | Primulaceae | Primula

74. Primula hoffmanniana W. W. Smith, Acta Horti Gothob. 2: 110. 1926.

川北脆蒴报春 chuan bei cui shuo bao chun

Primula petiolaris Wallich var. setschwanica Pax & K. Hoffmann.

Herbs perennial. Basal bud scales lacking or inconspicuous at anthesis. Leaves 2--4.5 X 1--1.5 cm; petiole ca. as long as leaf blade to very short, narrowly winged; leaf blade elliptic to narrowly obovate, submembranous when dry, short-stalked glandular, base attenuate, margin erose-denticulate, apex rounded or obtuse. Scapes obsolete; umbel solitary; bracts linear-lanceolate, 5--10 mm. Pedicel 1--6(--12) cm, densely short-stalked glandular. Flowers heterostylous. Calyx tubular, 7--10 mm, sparsely minutely glandular, parted to 2/3; lobes lanceolate, apex often recurved, acuminate-subulate. Corolla pale rose, annulate; tube 1.2--1.4 cm; limb 1.5--2 cm wide; lobes broadly obovate, deeply emarginate. Pin flowers: stamens ca. 4 mm above base of corolla tube; style slightly exserted. Capsule disintegrating at maturity. Fl. May.

* Woodland margins, bamboo forests; 3000--3200 m. W Sichuan (Wenchuan Xian)


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