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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 15 | Primulaceae | Primula

149. Primula waltonii Watt ex I. B. Balfour, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 9: 57. 1915.

紫钟报春 zi zhong bao chun

Primula prionotes I. B. Balfour & Watt; P. waltonii subsp. prionotes (I. B. Balfour & Watt) W. W. Smith & Forrest.

Herbs perennial. Leaves forming a rosette; petiole nearly as long as to shorter than leaf blade; leaf blade elliptic-oblong to oblanceolate, 3.5--18 X 1.2--4(--7) cm, efarinose, abaxially sparsely minutely glandular, base cuneate-attenuate, margin erose-dentate, apex rounded. Scapes 18--70 cm, scarcely yellow farinose toward apex; umbels 4- to many flowered; bracts often tinged with purple, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 0.5--2 cm. Pedicel 1--7 cm, yellow farinose. Flowers heterostylous. Calyx often tinged with purple, campanulate, 5.5--8 mm, sparsely farinose outside, copiously so inside, parted to 1/3--2/5, prominently 5-veined; lobes slightly recurved, triangular to lanceolate, apex acute. Corolla pink to deep wine purple; tube 8--11 mm; limb 6--13(--18) mm wide; lobes suborbicular to obovate-oblong, 4--5 mm, margin entire or obscurely emarginate. Pin flowers: stamens ca. 2.5 mm above base of corolla tube; style ca. as long as tube. Thrum flowers: stamens toward apex of corolla tube; style 1--2 mm. Capsule cylindric, ca. as long as calyx. Fl. Jul-Sep. 2n = 22@.

* Grassy mountain slopes, streamsides; 3900--5300 m. S Xizang [Bhutan, Sikkim]


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