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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 15 | Oleaceae | Jasminum

2. Jasminum humile Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 7. 1753.

矮探春 ai tan chun

Shrubs or small trees 0.3-3 m, sometimes scandent. Branchlets angular, along with petiole, pedicel, and calyx glabrous, pubescent, or puberulent. Leaves alternate, compound or simple; petiole 0.5-2 cm; leaf and leaflet blades leathery or papery, glabrous or adaxially short setose and abaxially pubescent along veins; leaflets 3-9(-13), usually 5; leaflet blade ovate to lanceolate, rarely obovate, terminal one 0.6-6 × 0.2-2 cm, lateral ones 0.2-4.5 × 0.2-2 cm, with 2-4 primary veins on each side of midrib, base rounded or cuneate, margin sometimes spiny-ciliate, apex acute to caudate. Cymes terminal, in umbels, corymbs, or panicles cymose, 1-10(-15)-flowered, rarely with linear bracts 2-4 mm. Pedicel 0.2-3 cm. Calyx lobes deltate to subulate, shorter than tube. Corolla yellow, nearly funnelform; tube 0.8-1.6 cm; lobes orbicular or ovate, 3-7 mm, often rounded at apex. Berry ripening purple-black, ellipsoid or globose, 6-11 × 4-10 mm.

Woods, thickets; 1100-3800 m. Gansu, W Guizhou, SW Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan [Afghanistan, India, Tajikistan; SW Asia]

1 Terminal leaflets 1-6 × 0.4-2 cm, apex acute to caudate   2a var. humile
+ Terminal leaflets 0.6-2.5(-4) × 0.2-1 cm, apex usually blunt   2b var. microphyllum

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