3. Chonemorpha megacalyx Pierre in Spire, Contr. Apocyn. 76. 1905. 1905.
长萼鹿角藤 chang e lu jiao teng
Lianas to 20 m, yellowish brown tomentose. Petiole 1.5-3.5 cm; leaf blade obovate to narrowly ovate, 17-29 X 11-22 cm, base rounded, apex acute; lateral veins 8-12 pairs. Cymes terminal, to 17 cm; peduncle 3.5-9 cm. Calyx tubular, 1.8-3 cm, apex toothed. Corolla pink or reddish, limb ca. 4 cm in diam., tube ca. 4 cm, glabrous outside, hispid inside; lobes obovate, ca. 3.5 2 cm wide. Ovary and style glabrous. Follicles cylindric, to 34 X 2 cm. Seeds with silky coma to 5.5 cm. Fl. spring-summer.
Borders of montane forests; 900-1500 m. S Yunnan [Laos, Thailand]
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