14. Microtoena robusta Hemsley, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 26: 307. 1890.
粗状冠唇花 cu zhuang guan chun hua
Herbs aromatic, ± pilose. Stems robust, 1.2-1.8 m, hollow. Petiole to as long as blade; leaf blade broadly cordate-ovate to circular-cordate, to 15 × 10 cm, abaxially mostly sparsely puberulent, base cordate, margin coarsely crenate, apex acuminate. Panicles terminal and axillary, to 15 cm; cymes short pedunculate. Calyx pilose, dilated in fruit, rigid, conspicuously netted; teeth oblong, subequal, apex subacute, posterior tooth somewhat larger, with transverse veins. Corolla reddish, ca. 2.5 cm, pubescent, straight; tube narrow; upper lip with 2 acute lobes; lower lip lobes circular, lateral ones much shorter. Stamens bearded at middle. Nutlets black-brown, flattened, obovoid, glabrous.
* Hubei, Sichuan.
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