153. Pedicularis dolichostachya H. L. Li, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. 100: 313. 1948.
长穗马先蒿 chang sui ma xian hao
Herbs more than 20 cm tall. Stems single, erect, unbranched, slightly pubescent or glabrescent. Leaves in whorls of 4; petiole 3--4 mm apically, villous; leaf blade ovate-oblong or linear-oblong, ca. 2.8 X 1 cm, sparsely hirsute, pinnatifid; segments 6--8 pairs, ovate, margin ± entire, apex acute. Inflorescences to 10--15 cm, interrupted basally; bracts leaflike, ca. as long as calyx, pinnatifid. Pedicel erect, 1--3 mm. Calyx broadly ovate, 5--6 mm, membranous, without reticulate veins, sparsely hirsute, scarcely cleft anteriorly; lobes 5, ± equal, triangular, sparsely ciliate, ± entire, apex acute. Corolla purple, ca. 1.3 cm; tube slightly curved in calyx, 7--8 mm, expanded apically; galea slightly curved, ca. 5 mm, rounded in front, margin entire, apex acute; lower lip slightly longer than galea; lobes rounded, middle lobe smaller than lateral pair, projecting, sparsely ciliate. Filaments glabrous. Capsule oblong, ca. 1.8 cm X 4--5 mm, 1/2 exceeding calyx, apiculate. Fl. and fr. Aug.
* Grassland; ca. 3700 m. W Sichuan.