1 |
Leaves opposite or whorled (or in ser. 26, 84, 86, 87 alternate apically). |
(2) |
+ |
Leaves alternate or at least alternate apically (or in ser. 1, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 45, 67, 102 rarely with pseudo-opposite or opposite leaves). |
(62) |
2 (1) |
Leaves opposite or occasionally alternate. |
(3) |
+ |
Leaves usually in whorls of 3 or 4. |
(30) |
3 (2) |
Corolla galea beakless. |
(4) |
+ |
Corolla galea beaked. |
(13) |
4 (3) |
Corolla galea toothless. |
(5) |
+ |
Corolla galea toothed. |
(8) |
5 (4) |
Leaves lanceolate to linear. |
(6) |
+ |
Leaves ± ovate. |
(7) |
6 (5) |
Leaves entire or obscurely crenate |
50 Ser. Salicifoliae |
+ |
Leaves pinnatipartite to pinnatisect |
102 Ser. Flammeae |
7 (5) |
Corolla 3--3.5 cm; roots glabrous |
21 Ser. Salviiflorae |
+ |
Corolla less than 2 cm; roots densely yellow-brown pubescent |
26 Ser. Aloenses |
8 (4) |
Leaves mostly basal, stem leaves often only in 1 pair; flowers in a densely capitate spike or flowers only 2 or 3. |
(9) |
+ |
Leaves mostly on stem, basal leaves few; flowers not in a dense capitulum, more than 2 or 3. |
(10) |
9 (8) |
Plants 2--4 cm tall; flowers few; galea without a protuberance at middle of margin on each side |
87 Ser. Collatae |
+ |
Plants usually more than 10 cm tall; galea with a protuberance at middle of margin on each side |
89 Ser. Cernuae |
10 (8) |
Corolla galea at least as long as lower lip. |
(11) |
+ |
Corolla galea shorter, only ca. 1/2 as long as lower lip, apex with only 1 tooth on each side of margin. |
(12) |
11 (10) |
Corolla apex with several teeth on each side of margin |
76 Ser. Lyratae |
+ |
Corolla apex obscurely 2-toothed |
36 Ser. Pteridifoliae |
12 (10) |
Calyx relatively large, with dense reticulate veins, teeth triangular, entire |
38 Ser. Pentagonae |
+ |
Calyx relatively small, without dense reticulate veins, teeth leaflike, serrate |
84 Ser. Atrovirides |
13 (3) |
Corolla tube ± elongated, more than 2 X as long as calyx. |
(14) |
+ |
Corolla tube not elongated, less than 2 X as long as calyx. |
(19) |
14 (13) |
Stems usually flexuous, ascending, more than 40 cm tall. |
(15) |
+ |
Stems diffuse or if erect then more than 10 cm tall. |
(16) |
15 (14) |
Corolla beak bending downward |
28 Ser. Flexuosae |
+ |
Corolla beak bending upward |
33 Ser. Omiianae |
16 (14) |
Plants low; stems short or sometimes nearly absent. |
(17) |
+ |
Stems ± elongated, diffuse. |
(18) |
17 (16) |
Stems short, erect, ± woody; leaf segments few; corolla beak slightly recurved |
75 Ser. Urceolatae |
+ |
Stems often trailing or plants ± stemless, not woody; leaves pinnatisect; corolla beak straight |
31 Ser. Axillares |
18 (16) |
Stems herbaceous; calyx lobes shorter than calyx tube; galea not dilated apically, toothless at margin |
86 Ser. Sikkimenses |
+ |
Stems ± woody; calyx lobes longer than calyx tube; galea dilated apically, toothed on lower margin |
34 Ser. Batangenses |
19 (13) |
Stems repent basally. |
(20) |
+ |
Stems erect, not repent if diffuse. |
(21) |
20 (19) |
Plants annual; leaves on stem, not fernlike |
77 Ser. Reptantes |
+ |
Plants perennial; leaves basal, fernlike |
30 Ser. Vagantes |
21 (19) |
Beak of galea slender, usually S-shaped; leaves narrowly lanceolate to linear-lanceolate |
80 Ser. Integrifoliae |
+ |
Beak of galea short, straight or curved, not S-shaped; leaves wider. |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Corolla with 2 colors |
73 Ser. Binariae |
+ |
Corolla with only 1 color. |
(23) |
23 (22) |
Leaves alternate, often pseudo-opposite throughout; flowers long pedicellate. |
(24) |
+ |
Leaves opposite throughout; flowers not long pedicellate. |
(27) |
24 (23) |
Galea not crested, beak usually straight; calyx not or slightly cleft anteriorly. |
(25) |
+ |
Galea usually crested, sometimes inconspicuously; calyx deeply cleft anteriorly. |
(26) |
25 (24) |
Plants 5--9 cm tall; stems 2--4; Xizang |
96 Ser. Mychophilae |
+ |
Plants 30--70 cm tall; stems single; not in Xizang |
45 Ser. Racemosae |
26 (24) |
Beak curved; calyx 2- or 3-lobed |
97 Ser. Franchetianae |
+ |
Beak straight or falcate; calyx 3--5-lobed |
67 Ser. Strobilaceae |
27 (23) |
Stem leaves long petiolate; inflorescences long spicate; calyx large, with dense reticulate veins, lobes entire |
39 Ser. Dichotomae |
+ |
Stem leaves short petiolate; inflorescences short; calyx small, without reticulate veins, lobes serrate. |
(28) |
28 (27) |
Galea margin 1-auricled, apex of beak erose-denticulate |
88 Ser. Pseudoasplenifoliae |
+ |
Galea margin not auricled, apex of beak not erose-denticulate. |
(29) |
29 (28) |
Galea marginally 2-toothed; leaves small, broadly ovate |
85 Ser. Remotilobae |
+ |
Galea not marginally 2-toothed; leaves larger, narrower |
79 Ser. Debiles |
30 (2) |
Corolla galea beakless (except for a short beak in ser. 52, 22, 61, 59). |
(31) |
+ |
Corolla galea beaked. |
(45) |
31 (30) |
Corolla galea toothed. |
(32) |
+ |
Corolla galea toothless. |
(36) |
32 (31) |
Bases of whorled petioles of leaves or at least bracts connate, cupular |
40 Ser. Reges |
+ |
Bases of petioles of leaves and bracts not connate or cupular. |
(33) |
33 (32) |
Corolla tube strongly decurved in calyx, corolla ± S-shaped |
55 Ser. Microchilae |
+ |
Corolla tube not strongly decurved in calyx, corolla not S-shaped. |
(34) |
34 (33) |
Calyx lobes 2, calyx tube deeply cleft anteriorly |
52 Ser. Ikomanae |
+ |
Calyx lobes 5, calyx tube slightly cleft anteriorly. |
(35) |
35 (34) |
Calyx lobes triangular or lanceolate, entire |
51 Ser. Rigidae |
+ |
Calyx lobes ± leaflike, serrate |
22 Ser. Melampyriflorae |
36 (31) |
Bases of petioles of leaves and bracts connate, cupular |
40 Ser. Reges |
+ |
Bases of petioles of leaves and bracts not connate or cupular. |
(37) |
37 (36) |
Corolla tube decurved basally. |
(38) |
+ |
Corolla tube erect or decurved apically. |
(39) |
38 (37) |
Corolla yellow, galea plicate; anthers apiculate at apex |
53 Ser. Plicatae |
+ |
Corolla usually purple, red, white, or rarely yellow, galea not plicate; anthers not apiculate at apex |
54 Ser. Verticillatae |
39 (37) |
Corolla tube ± erect. |
(40) |
+ |
Corolla tube decurved. |
(41) |
40 (39) |
Plants annual; leaf segments 5--7 pairs |
61 Ser. Simae |
+ |
Plants perennial; leaf segments 7--17 pairs |
1 Ser. Gloriosae |
41 (39) |
Inflorescences and calyx densely tomentose |
81 Ser. Pilostachyae |
+ |
Inflorescences and calyx glabrous or sparsely pubescent. |
(42) |
42 (41) |
Corolla tube ± decurved at middle. |
(43) |
+ |
Corolla tube slightly curved, expanded, or bent forward apically. |
(44) |
43 (42) |
Plants annual; stems (15--)30--80 cm tall, often branched apically; corolla 7--9 mm |
58 Ser. Molles |
+ |
Plants perennial; stems 5--12 cm tall, simple; corolla 22--30 mm |
57 Ser. Caucasicae |
44 (42) |
Leaves pinnatipartite to pinnatisect; leaves whorled |
60 Ser. Abrotanifoliae |
+ |
Leaves pinnatilobate to pinnatifid; leaves opposite or whorled |
59 Ser. Denudatae |
45 (30) |
Corolla tube ca. 2.5--3 X as long as calyx |
43 Ser. Cyathophyllae |
+ |
Corolla tube less than 3 X as long as calyx. |
(46) |
46 (45) |
Bases of petioles of leaves and bracts connate, cupular. |
(47) |
+ |
Bases of petioles of leaves and bracts not connate or cupular. |
(48) |
47 (46) |
Galea navicular; beak indistinct |
41 Ser. Cyathophylloides |
+ |
Galea not navicular; beak long, distinct |
42 Ser. Superbae |
48 (46) |
Flowers scarcely 6 mm, in a dense capitate raceme |
25 Ser. Coniferae |
+ |
Flowers more than 10 mm. |
(49) |
49 (48) |
Beak of galea shorter than anther-containing part. |
(50) |
+ |
Beak of galea longer than anther-containing part. |
(54) |
50 (49) |
Stems with curved branches |
23 Ser. Longicaules |
+ |
Stems unbranched, or with erect straight branches. |
(51) |
51 (50) |
Corolla tube decurved in calyx tube |
56 Ser. Cheilanthifoliae |
+ |
Corolla tube not decurved in calyx tube. |
(52) |
52 (51) |
Corolla tube decurved in throat of calyx tube |
23 Ser. Longicaules |
+ |
Corolla tube not decurved or decurved outside calyx lobes. |
(53) |
53 (52) |
Anther-containing part of galea red, goosehead-shaped; stem leaves in 1 or 2 pairs |
90 Ser. Tatsienenses |
+ |
Anther-containing part of galea not red, not goosehead-shaped; stem leaves numerous |
62 Ser. Myriophyllae |
54 (49) |
Beak of galea coiled or twisted. |
(55) |
+ |
Beak of galea straight or slightly falcate-curved. |
(58) |
55 (54) |
Corolla tube bent at a right angle apically |
83 Ser. Meteororhynchae |
+ |
Corolla tube not bent at a right angle apically. |
(56) |
56 (55) |
Corolla yellow or purplish, with yellowish tube apically and lower lip basally |
74 Ser. Pectinatiformes |
+ |
Corolla purplish red or yellow, or yellow with purple galea. |
(57) |
57 (56) |
Calyx often less than 6 mm, lobes ± serrate; bracts usually narrower and serrate or pinnatilobate |
63 Ser. Semitortae |
+ |
Calyx often ca. 10 mm, lobes ± entire; bracts at least ovate and entire apically |
64 Ser. Pectinatae |
58 (54) |
Stems branched apically. |
(59) |
+ |
Stems unbranched apically. |
(60) |
59 (58) |
Branches in whorls of 4--6, often woody; beak of galea slightly falcate-curved; calyx lobes ovate; capsule ca. 1/2 exceeding calyx |
24 Ser. Graciles |
+ |
Branches opposite or in whorls of 4, herbaceous; beak of galea bent upward; calyx lobes triangular; capsule ca. 4/5 exceeding calyx |
27 Ser. Moupinenses |
60 (58) |
Corolla tube decurved in calyx |
56 Ser. Cheilanthifoliae |
+ |
Corolla tube not decurved. |
(61) |
61 (60) |
Basal leaves large, persistent, ± lanceolate or narrowly oblong, pinnatifid, with many segments; stem leaves in whorls of 3 |
82 Ser. Tantalorhynchae |
+ |
Basal leaves smaller or not persistent, ± elliptic to ovate, with few segments; stem leaves sometimes opposite |
78 Ser. Brevifoliae |
62 (1) |
Corolla slightly beaked or beakless (beak not longer than wide). |
(63) |
+ |
Corolla beaked. |
(84) |
63 (62) |
Galea with marginal teeth near apex. |
(64) |
+ |
Galea without marginal teeth. |
(73) |
64 (63) |
Galea with several marginal teeth on each side near apex |
105 Ser. Rhynchodontae |
+ |
Galea usually with a distinct marginal tooth on each side of apex. |
(65) |
65 (64) |
Lower corolla lip usually erect or slightly spreading, corolla tube usually not decurved. |
(66) |
+ |
Lower corolla lip spreading, corolla tube usually decurved. |
(69) |
66 (65) |
Plants branched |
44 Ser. Pedicularis |
+ |
Plants usually unbranched. |
(67) |
67 (66) |
Basal leaves to 28 cm, with 5--9 pairs of segments |
36 Ser. Pteridifoliae |
+ |
Basal leaves less than 12 cm, with more segments. |
(68) |
68 (67) |
Plants reddish or reddish brown hirtellous; basal leaves persistent |
20 Ser. Hirtellae |
+ |
Plants not hirtellous; basal leaves not persistent |
16 Ser. Striatae |
69 (65) |
Leaves opposite or sometimes alternate apically; stems ascending |
84 Ser. Atrovirides |
+ |
Leaves alternate; stems erect. |
(70) |
70 (69) |
Plants usually less than 15 cm tall. |
(71) |
+ |
Plants usually more than 15 cm tall. |
(72) |
71 (70) |
Plants without persistent marcescent leaves at base; inflorescences more than 1/2 total height of plants, centrifugal |
104 Ser. Pseudo-oederianae |
+ |
Plants with persistent marcescent leaves at base; inflorescences short spicate or capitate |
92 Ser. Merrillianae |
72 (70) |
Leaves usually 2-pinnatifid, 1-pinnatisect, 2-pinnatisect or pinnatipartite |
66 Ser. Comosae |
+ |
Leaves usually 1-pinnatisect, with linear-lanceolate, dentate segments |
65 Ser. Sudeticae |
73 (63) |
Corolla tube decurved apically, lower lip spreading; capsule oblique. |
(74) |
+ |
Corolla tube usually erect or occasionally decurved basally, lower lip not spreading; capsule not oblique. |
(77) |
74 (73) |
Plants usually cespitose or procumbent to ascending. |
(75) |
+ |
Plants erect; flowers in a spike, or few and basilar, long pedicellate. |
(76) |
75 (74) |
Inflorescences terminal and basilar, usually distinctly centrifugal |
103 Ser. Corydaloides |
+ |
Flowers few, axillary |
87 Ser. Collatae |
76 (74) |
Inflorescences short, capitate or flowers few, not distinctly centrifugal |
91 Ser. Roseae |
+ |
Inflorescences elongated, spicate, with dense flowers |
102 Ser. Flammeae |
77 (73) |
Flowers axillary. |
(78) |
+ |
Plants with distinct erect stems; flowers usually in terminal inflorescences. |
(79) |
78 (77) |
Plants usually stemless |
29 Ser. Acaules |
+ |
Plants with distinct stems |
26 Ser. Aloenses |
79 (77) |
Apex of galea acute |
2 Ser. Grandiflorae |
+ |
Apex of galea usually rounded or obtuse. |
(80) |
80 (79) |
Throat of corolla expanded, lower lip long stipitate basally |
3 Ser. Tsekouenses |
+ |
Throat of corolla not expanded, lower lip not stipitate. |
(81) |
81 (80) |
Stem leaves usually few; plants not drying black |
1 Ser. Gloriosae |
+ |
Stem leaves usually numerous; plants drying black or not. |
(82) |
82 (81) |
Leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, pinnatipartite; plants to 1 m tall |
4 Ser. Tristes |
+ |
Leaves ovate to elliptic-oblong, dentate to pinnatilobate; plants less than 40 cm tall. |
(83) |
83 (82) |
Plants drying black; rhizomes distinct, rootstock developed, roots glabrous; leaves alternate; corolla large, galea falcate apically |
5 Ser. Galeatae |
+ |
Plants not drying black; without rhizomes, roots densely yellowish brown pubescent; leaves mostly opposite; corolla ca. 1.3 cm, galea ± straight |
26 Ser. Aloenses |
84 (62) |
Corolla tube at least 2 X as long as calyx (except P. bicolor of ser. Wilsoniae). |
(85) |
+ |
Corolla tube less than 2 X as long as calyx. |
(95) |
85 (84) |
Plants usually diffuse; calyx lobes usually 5. |
(86) |
+ |
Plants erect or ± stemless; if stems diffuse, calyx lobes 2 or 3, not 5. |
(88) |
86 (85) |
Plants ± woody; leaves with linear segments; galea usually abruptly constricted into a straight beak |
34 Ser. Batangenses |
+ |
Plants herbaceous; leaves with ovate to oblong segments; galea usually gradually constricted into a beak. |
(87) |
87 (86) |
Beak of galea bent upward |
33 Ser. Omiianae |
+ |
Beak of galea not bent upward, usually straight or twisted |
35 Ser. Muscicolae |
88 (85) |
Plants more than 10 cm tall, if smaller, corolla often yellow, or corolla red-purple and less than 1.5 cm. |
(89) |
+ |
Plants less than 10 cm tall; corolla ± red-purple. |
(91) |
89 (88) |
Inflorescences short, racemose, centripetal; galea 1-toothed on each side |
71 Ser. Amplitubae |
+ |
Inflorescences usually longer, centrifugal; galea toothless at margin. |
(90) |
90 (89) |
Lower corolla lip spreading, not enveloping galea |
111 Ser. Longiflorae |
+ |
Lower corolla lip not spreading, usually enveloping galea, only slender beak projecting |
112 Ser. Megalanthae |
91 (88) |
Pedicel to 1--4 cm; galea circinate-incurved basally |
101 Ser. Neolatitubae |
+ |
Pedicel shorter; galea not incurved basally. |
(92) |
92 (91) |
Corolla tube expanded apically |
100 Ser. Wilsoniae |
+ |
Corolla tube not expanded apically. |
(93) |
93 (92) |
Corolla with lower lip less than 2 cm wide; corolla tube slender, usually less than 0.75 mm wide |
99 Ser. Albiflorae |
+ |
Corolla with lower lip more than 2 cm wide; corolla tube usually more than 1 mm wide. |
(94) |
94 (93) |
Leaves pinnatifid; beak of galea usually downward uncinate |
108 Ser. Robustae |
+ |
Leaves ± entire or only pinnatifid; beak of galea not downward uncinate |
110 Ser. Pumiliones |
95 (84) |
Galea usually marginally long ciliate. |
(96) |
+ |
Galea not marginally long ciliate. |
(108) |
96 (95) |
Galea navicular. |
(97) |
+ |
Galea not navicular. |
(100) |
97 (96) |
Leaves linear to linear-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, pinnatilobate or dentate |
8 Ser. Craspedotrichae |
+ |
Leaves not linear, shorter and wider, segmented. |
(98) |
98 (97) |
Leaves pinnatisect, with linear-lanceolate segments |
17 Ser. Proboscideae |
+ |
Leaves double dentate to pinnatipartite, with shorter wider segments. |
(99) |
99 (98) |
Leaves ± lanceolate-oblong, less than 3.5 X as long as wide |
7 Ser. Dolichocymbae |
+ |
Leaves not linear to linear-lanceolate, more than 4 X as long as wide |
6 Ser. Rudes |
100 (96) |
Beak of galea nearly as long as lower corolla lip. |
(101) |
+ |
Beak of galea longer than lower corolla lip. |
(104) |
101 (100) |
Leaves mostly basal, pinnatisect with lanceolate segments; beak of galea with apical tuft of hairs |
18 Ser. Lachnoglossae |
+ |
Leaves mostly on stem, not pinnatisect; beak of galea without apical tuft of hairs. |
(102) |
102 (101) |
Lobes of lower corolla lip long stipitate basally, galea ± abruptly constricted into a slender beak |
11 Ser. Lasiophrydes |
+ |
Lobes of lower corolla lip not stipitate, galea gradually constricted into a beak. |
(103) |
103 (102) |
Plants usually more than 30 cm tall, to 80 cm; corolla galea less than 3 mm wide, sparsely pubescent |
9 Ser. Imbricatae |
+ |
Plants usually less than 30 cm tall; corolla galea 4--5 mm wide, densely pubescent |
10 Ser. Trichoglossae |
104 (100) |
Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate. |
(105) |
+ |
Leaves not narrowly linear. |
(106) |
105 (104) |
Plants usually more than 30 cm tall, to 1 m; beak of galea not twisted; lobes of lower corolla lip narrowly lanceolate |
12 Ser. Kongboenses |
+ |
Plants less than 30 cm tall; beak of galea S-shaped; lobes of lower corolla lip short, wide |
15 Ser. Kialenses |
106 (104) |
Leaves ± ovate, usually more than 3.5 cm wide |
14 Ser. Excelsae |
+ |
Leaves linear-lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong, usually less than 3.5 cm wide (except P. angustilabris to 5.5 cm wide). |
(107) |
107 (106) |
Galea not twisted, densely villous at base and at margin; lobes of lower corolla lip not square-shaped |
19 Ser. Recurvae |
+ |
Galea strongly twisted, glabrous or villous on lower margin and beak; lobes of lower corolla lip nearly square-shaped |
15 Ser. Kialenses |
108 (95) |
Inflorescences distinctly centrifugal. |
(109) |
+ |
Inflorescences distinctly centripetal or indistinctly centrifugal. |
(111) |
109 (108) |
Beak of galea more than 3 X as long as lower corolla lip |
107 Ser. Macrorhynchae |
+ |
Beak of galea shorter or slightly longer than lower corolla lip. |
(110) |
110 (109) |
Lower corolla lip less than 1.2 cm wide |
106 Ser. Filiculae |
+ |
Lower corolla lip usually more than 1.5 cm wide |
109 Ser. Macranthae |
111 (108) |
Stems weak, slender, usually diffuse; flowers usually axillary. |
(112) |
+ |
Stems erect or ± ascending, or ± stemless; flowers arising from a stock. |
(115) |
112 (111) |
Flowers usually in clusters at base of stems |
30 Ser. Vagantes |
+ |
Flowers not in clusters at base of stems, solitary. |
(113) |
113 (112) |
Galea with pairs of marginal teeth |
94 Ser. Odontophorae |
+ |
Galea without marginal teeth. |
(114) |
114 (113) |
Leaves without distinct reticulate veins abaxially; calyx tube without reticulate veins |
31 Ser. Axillares |
+ |
Leaves with distinct reticulate veins abaxially; calyx tube with reticulate veins apically |
32 Ser. Infirmae |
115 (111) |
Inflorescences usually elongated, not interrupted. |
(116) |
+ |
Inflorescences usually subcapitate, few flowered, or ± elongated and interrupted basally. |
(117) |
116 (115) |
Stems to 80 cm tall; leaves relatively large; corolla relatively small, beak of galea bent upward, lower lip 1/4 to 1/3 as long as galea |
13 Ser. Subsurrectae |
+ |
Stems shorter; leaves relatively small; corolla relatively large, beak of galea bent downward only, lower lip longer |
69 Ser. Oxycarpae |
117 (115) |
Plants less than 10 cm tall, without a distinct main stem. |
(118) |
+ |
Plants more than 10 cm tall. |
(121) |
118 (117) |
Leaves numerous, persistent, with several narrow segments |
93 Ser. Asplenifoliae |
+ |
Leaves few, not persistent, with fewer wider segments. |
(119) |
119 (118) |
Lower corolla lip more than 2 cm wide, galea usually robust, apex of beak 2-cleft |
108 Ser. Robustae |
+ |
Lower corolla lip narrower, galea narrower, apex of beak not 2-cleft. |
(120) |
120 (119) |
Stems rigid; leaves alternate; roots numerous |
95 Ser. Paucifoliatae |
+ |
Stems usually weak, flexuous; leaves usually pseudo-opposite; roots few |
96 Ser. Mychophilae |
121 (117) |
Pedicel to 3--11.5 cm; galea not twisted |
97 Ser. Franchetianae |
+ |
Pedicel less than 3 cm; galea strongly twisted laterally. |
(122) |
122 (121) |
Flowers ± in a capitulum. |
(123) |
+ |
Flowers ± in a raceme. |
(128) |
123 (122) |
Corolla more than 3 cm; lower lip relatively wide, often completely enveloping galea |
98 Ser. Pseudomacranthae |
+ |
Corolla usually less than 2.5 cm; lower lip relatively narrow, often spreading, not enveloping galea. |
(124) |
124 (123) |
Leaves to 2.5--13 X 14 cm, stem leaves often ovate-elliptic |
37 Ser. Phaceliifoliae |
+ |
Leaves smaller, ± oblong or lanceolate. |
(125) |
125 (124) |
Plants usually branched basally and at middle |
67 Ser. Strobilaceae |
+ |
Plants unbranched or only branched basally. |
(126) |
126 (125) |
Corolla to 2.8 cm; beak of galea very long, S-shaped or semicircular |
72 Ser. Rhinanthoides |
+ |
Corolla smaller; beak of galea shorter, not S-shaped or semicircular. |
(127) |
127 (126) |
Leaves pinnatifid or pinnatipartite |
95 Ser. Paucifoliatae |
+ |
Leaves pinnatisect or pinnatipartite |
68 Ser. Oliganthae |
128 (122) |
Galea strongly twisted laterally at base |
70 Ser. Dissectae |
+ |
Galea not strongly twisted laterally at base. |
(129) |
129 (128) |
Leaves often ovate or elliptic, with few segments |
49 Ser. Furfurae |
+ |
Leaves oblong to linear, with numerous segments, some merely crenate. |
(130) |
130 (129) |
Basal leaves cespitose; plants herbaceous; bracts petiolate |
95 Ser. Paucifoliatae |
+ |
Basal leaves not cespitose; plants ± woody; bracts sessile. |
(131) |
131 (130) |
Leaves only double dentate or entire. |
(132) |
+ |
Leaves pinnatipartite to pinnatisect. |
(133) |
132 (131) |
Beak of galea distinct |
45 Ser. Racemosae |
+ |
Beak of galea indistinct |
46 Ser. Carnosae |
133 (131) |
Pedicel relatively short; beak of galea short or obscure |
47 Ser. Microphyllae |
+ |
Pedicel relatively long, distinct; beak of galea slender |
48 Ser. Polyphyllatae |