1 |
Galea of corolla ca. 1/2 as long as lower lip. |
(2) |
+ |
Galea of corolla ca. as long as lower lip. |
(9) |
2 (1) |
Calyx lobes by fusion appearing 3. |
(3) |
+ |
Calyx lobes distinctly 5. |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Leaf segments 6--9 pairs, linear-oblong to triangular-ovate; capsule triangular-lanceolate, ca. 12 X 4 mm |
149 Pedicularis holocalyx |
+ |
Leaf segments 9 or 10 pairs, ovate to oblong; capsule obliquely ovoid, 6--7 X 4 mm |
150 Pedicularis spicata |
4 (2) |
Leaves pinnatifid |
159 Pedicularis lineata |
+ |
Leaves pinnatipartite to pinnatisect. |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Filaments glabrous. |
(6) |
+ |
2 filaments pubescent. |
(7) |
6 (5) |
Roots single, not fleshy; calyx lobes triangular, ± entire or obscurely serrate |
156 Pedicularis brachycrania |
+ |
Roots usually several, fleshy; calyx lobes ovate to oblong, pinnatifid |
131 Pedicularis roylei |
7 (5) |
Plants with clustered fibrous roots; calyx lobes linear-lanceolate |
133 Pedicularis likiangensis |
+ |
Plants with a main root; calyx lobes wider, ± ovate or wider than long. |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Crown not scaly; calyx lobes unequal, posterior one triangular, entire |
154 Pedicularis diffusa |
+ |
Crown ovate scaly; calyx lobes ± equal, serrate |
155 Pedicularis nyalamensis |
9 (1) |
Calyx deeply cleft anteriorly. |
(10) |
+ |
Calyx not or slightly cleft anteriorly. |
(18) |
10 (9) |
Median or sometimes distal bracts subpalmatifid, usually with 3(--5) lobules. |
(11) |
+ |
Bracts pinnatifid or only serrate. |
(12) |
11 (10) |
Plants 8 cm tall or more; calyx lobes slender, 2/7--2/5 as long as calyx tube, serrulate; corolla tube decurved at middle; apex of galea not mucronulate |
134 Pedicularis violascens |
+ |
Plants barely 3 cm tall; calyx lobes triangular, short, barely as long as 1/5 calyx tube, entire; corolla tube decurved ± basally; apex of galea mucronulate |
137 Pedicularis pygmaea |
12 (10) |
Calyx with obscurely reticulate veins, lobes prominent. |
(13) |
+ |
Calyx with distinct reticulate veins, lobes obscure. |
(16) |
13 (12) |
Plants usually woody, many branched apically |
136 Pedicularis chingii |
+ |
Plants herbaceous, unbranched apically. |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Roots fleshy; calyx lobes distinctly lobulate |
130 Pedicularis rupicola |
+ |
Roots not fleshy; calyx lobes without lobules. |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Leaves 2.5--4 X as long as wide, with 6--10 pairs of segments; corolla more than 10 mm; calyx lobes grouped posteriorly; anterior filaments pubescent |
135 Pedicularis verticillata |
+ |
Leaves less than 2 X as long as wide, with 3 or 4 pairs of segments; corolla 9--10 mm; calyx lobes not grouped posteriorly; all filaments glabrous |
158 Pedicularis minutilabris |
16 (12) |
Proximal segments of leaf blade becoming leafletlike; corolla tube ca. 2.5 mm wide, strongly decurved basally |
148 Pedicularis confluens |
+ |
Proximal segments of leaf blade not becoming leafletlike; corolla tube 0.8--1.5 mm wide, slightly decurved basally. |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Leaf segments oblong-triangular; calyx 5-lobed, tube 4.5--5.5 mm, 1/2 cleft anteriorly; 2 filaments sparsely pubescent |
146 Pedicularis transmorrisonensis |
+ |
Leaf segments linear-lanceolate; calyx 3-lobed, tube ca. 3.5 mm, ca. 1/3 cleft anteriorly; 2 filaments villous |
147 Pedicularis ganpinensis |
18 (9) |
Plants less than 3 cm tall; calyx lobes distinctly 3-divided |
143 Pedicularis minima |
+ |
Plants more than 3 cm tall; calyx lobes not distinctly 3-lobed. |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Corolla tube ca. 3 X as long as galea; apex of galea ovate, acute |
145 Pedicularis altifrontalis |
+ |
Corolla tube ca. 2 X as long as galea; apex of galea rounded or truncate. |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Leaves pinnatifid. |
(21) |
+ |
Leaves ± pinnatisect. |
(24) |
21 (20) |
Lower corolla lip ciliate; calyx lobes ± triangular. |
(22) |
+ |
Lower corolla lip not ciliate; calyx lobes oblong to lanceolate. |
(23) |
22 (21) |
Stems usually numerous, cespitose; lobes of lower corolla lip not rounded |
152 Pedicularis triangularidens |
+ |
Stems single; lobes of lower corolla lip rounded |
153 Pedicularis dolichostachya |
23 (21) |
Stems rigid, usually unbranched; calyx ca. 4 mm, lobes ± serrate; plants pubescent |
151 Pedicularis szetschuanica |
+ |
Stems many branched, branches slender and weak; calyx 2.5 mm, lobes entire; plants glabrous |
157 Pedicularis flaccida |
24 (20) |
Median and distal bracts subpalmatifid, 3--5-lobulate, slender, fingerlike. |
(25) |
+ |
Bracts pinnatifid or slightly palmatifid, lobes short and rounded. |
(26) |
25 (24) |
Roots ± fleshy; leaves with linear, dentate segments; calyx lobes equal, ± entire |
138 Pedicularis anthemifolia |
+ |
Roots ± woody; leaves with lanceolate, pinnatipartite segments; calyx lobes unequal, serrate |
139 Pedicularis kansuensis |
26 (24) |
2 filaments or all 4 pubescent. |
(27) |
+ |
Filaments glabrous. |
(29) |
27 (26) |
Bracts broadly ovate; middle lobe of lower corolla lip ca. 3.5 mm wide |
144 Pedicularis tenera |
+ |
Bracts linear-lanceolate; middle lobe of lower corolla lip ca. 2.5 mm wide. |
(28) |
28 (27) |
Calyx glabrous; galea not crested; lower corolla lip glabrous, apex of lobes not apiculate |
140 Pedicularis glabrescens |
+ |
Calyx long ciliate; galea narrowly crested; lower corolla lip ciliate, apex of lobes apiculate |
141 Pedicularis zayuensis |
29 (26) |
Calyx lobes ca. as long as calyx tube, ± pinnatisect apically, divisions slender |
142 Pedicularis daucifolia |
+ |
Calyx lobes much shorter than calyx tube, barely serrate or entire. |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Calyx densely whitish villous, lobes ca. 1/3 as long as calyx, unequal, ± ovate-oblong, serrate; galea 5--8 mm |
131 Pedicularis roylei |
+ |
Calyx glabrous, lobes ca. 1/5 as long as calyx, ± equal, triangular, ± entire; galea ca. 4 mm |
132 Pedicularis bomiensis |