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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 18 | Scrophulariaceae | Pedicularis

343. Pedicularis fastigiata Franchet, Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 47: 25. 1900.

帚状马先蒿 zhou zhang ma xian hao

Herbs ca. 30 cm tall, Stems erect, unbranched, glabrescent, striate, leafy throughout. Proximal leaves alternate, distal ones ± opposite; petiole long, glabrous; leaf blade linear, ca. 1 cm wide, abaxially sparsely white scurfy, pinnatisect; segments lanceolate, serrulate. Flowers axillary, proximal ones widely spaced, distal ones dense and fastigiate; sessile. Calyx ovate-oblong, ca. 1 cm, deeply cleft anteriorly; lobes 3, leaflike. Corolla rose, with a deep red galea; tube 3.5--4 cm, slender, minutely pubescent; galea twisted, narrowly crested; beak semicircular; lower lip ca. 1 cm wide, middle lobe ca. 1/2 as large as lateral lobes, rounded. Filaments glabrous.

* NW Yunnan.


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