56. Pedicularis legendrei Bonati, Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 57(Sess. Extraord.): 60. 1911.
勒氏马先蒿 le shi ma xian hao
Herbs annual to biennial, to more than 40 cm tall, ± drying black. Stems many branched, glabrous, slightly woody when old. Leaves opposite; petiole ca. 2.5 cm; leaf blade ovate-oblong, to 5.5 cm, abaxially glabrous, adaxially sparsely hispidulous, pinnatisect to pinnatipartite; segments 4--9 pairs, pinnatifid to double dentate, incised-dentate. Flowers axillary, scattered. Pedicel very short. Calyx 2.5--3 mm; lobes 5, very short, unequal. Corolla rose, ca. 1.7 cm; tube ca. 9 mm, expanded apically, glandular pubescent; galea 8.5--9 mm, slightly falcate, densely pubescent abaxially, margin densely long pubescent near apex, apex entire; lower lip nearly as long as galea, long ciliate. 2 filaments pubescent, 2 glabrous. Fl. Aug, fr. Sep.
* Open rocky slopes; ca. 2200 m. C and E Sichuan.
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