272. Pedicularis remotiloba Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sin. 7: 868. 1936.
疏裂马先蒿 shu lie ma xian hao
Herbs low, 6--7 cm, sometimes barely 1.5 cm tall, drying black. Stems often several, ascending or procumbent, slender, ciliolate or glabrescent. Leaves mostly in a basal rosette; petiole to 2 cm, glabrous; leaf blade ovate-elliptic to ovate-oblong, 1--3 cm X ca. 8 mm, glabrous on both surfaces, pinnatisect; segments 2--5 pairs, ovate to orbicular, incised-double dentate. Stem leaves few or absent, similar to basal leaves but smaller and shorter petiolate. Inflorescences short racemose; bracts leaflike. Calyx cylindric, 3--4 mm, membranous; lobes 5, ± equal, triangular, entire. Corolla rose; tube erect, ca. 2 X as long as calyx; galea strongly bent apically, marginally 2-toothed below curve; beak ± horizontal, straight, 3--3.5 mm; lower lip ca. 6 X 9 mm, glabrous, lobes rounded. Filaments glabrous. Fl. Aug, fr. Sep.
* Grassy slopes in alpine regions; 3700--4200 m. NW Yunnan.
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