321. Pedicularis tsangchanensis Franchet ex Maximowicz, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg. 32: 571. 1888.
苍山马先蒿 cang shan ma xian hao
Herbs perennial, 8--15 cm tall, drying black. Roots linear, slightly fleshy. Stems usually 2 or 3, ascending, unbranched, ± pubescent, with 1 or 2 lines of hairs. Basal leaf petiole ca. 3 cm, pubescent; leaf blade ovate-oblong to lanceolate-oblong, ca. 4 X 1.3 cm, abaxially densely long pubescent along midvein, adaxially slightly pubescent, pinnatifid to pinnatipartite; segments 6--11 pairs, crenate-dentate. Stem leaves alternate, sometimes pseudo-opposite, shorter petiolate; leaf blade ca. 3.5 X 1.5 cm. Inflorescences racemose, centrifugal; proximal bracts leaflike, distal ones linear, ca. as long as calyx. Pedicel ca. 1 cm basally, slender, pubescent. Calyx 1--1.1 cm, slightly cleft anteriorly, densely pubescent; lobes 5, unequal, dentate. Corolla red, ca. 2.5 cm; tube erect, ca. 1.6 cm, sparsely pubescent; galea bent apically; beak ca. 5 mm, 2-cleft apically; lower lip ca. 1.3 X 1.2 cm, glabrous, erose-dentate. Anterior filament pair pubescent.
* ca. 4000 m. NW Yunnan.
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