1. Amberboa turanica Iljin, Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada S.S.S.R. 30: 110. 1932.
黄花珀菊 huang hua po ju
Herbs 15-35 cm tall, annual. Main stem very short, usually surmounted by side branches; stem and branches floccose. Leaves glabrous. Basal and lower stem leaves petiolate; petiole to 4.5 cm; leaf blade elliptic to lanceolate, undivided, margin denticulate to almost entire, 4-6 × 1.2-2.5 cm. Middle and upper stem leaves sessile or shortly petiolate, pinnatilobed or pinnatipartite; lateral lobes 3 or 4 pairs, lanceolate, margin sparsely toothed or entire. Involucre ovoid, bowl-shaped, or hemispheric, 1-1.7 cm in diam. Phyllaries in ca. 4 rows, lanate-pubescent, glabrescent; outer phyllaries broadly ovate to ovate-elliptic, 4-7 × 4-6 mm, apex obtuse-rounded; middle phyllaries elliptic, 8-12 × ca. 6 mm; inner phyllaries spatulate-elliptic to broadly linear, ca. 12 × 2-4 mm, with triangular to lanceolate apical appendage. Corolla yellow to yellowish; corolla of marginal florets scarcely longer than disk florets, 5-10-cleft, white pubescent at middle. Achene dark brown, cylindric, ca. 5 mm, densely white villous. Pappus ca. 4 mm. Fl. and fr. May-Sep. 2n = 64.
Sandy areas, wastelands, farmlands; ca. 400 m. Xinjiang (Junggar Pendi) [Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan; SW Asia].
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