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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Artemisia

174d. Artemisia eriopoda var. gansuensis Y. Ling & Y. R. Ling, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 8(3): 7. 1988.

甘肃南牡蒿 gan su nan mu hao

Stem 30-40 cm tall. Leaves papery; basal and middle leaves pinnatisect, distal lobes not larger than other lobes; lobes of basal leaves irregularly serrate or entire; those of middle leaves 2- or 3-cleft. Synflorescence a somewhat broad panicle.

● Roadsides, waste areas, slopes; low elevations to 2100 m. S and SW Gansu.


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